
unworthy mid-13c., unwurði, from UN- (Cf. un-) (1) "not" + WORTHY (Cf. worthy). Cf. M.Du. onwerdich, Du. onwaardig, M.L.G. unwerdich, O.H.G. unwirdig, O.N. uverðugr.

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  • unworthy — un·wor·thy adj: not meritorious; specif in the civil law of Louisiana: being or relating to an heir who is deprived of the right to inherit from a person because of a failure in a duty towards the person un·wor·thi·ness n Merriam Webster’s… …   Law dictionary

  • unworthy — [unwʉr′thē] adj. unworthier, unworthiest [ME] 1. lacking merit or value; worthless 2. not deserving: often with of 3. not fit or becoming: usually with of [a remark unworthy of a gentleman] 4. not deserved or warranted unworthily …   English World dictionary

  • Unworthy — Un*wor thy, a. Not worthy; wanting merit, value, or fitness; undeserving; worthless; unbecoming; often with of. {Un*wor thi*ly}, adv. {Un*wor thi*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unworthy — [adj] not of value base, beneath, blamable, contemptible, degrading, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, good for nothing, ignoble, improper, inappropriate, ineligible, inexcusable, no account*, no good*, not deserving, not fit, not good… …   New thesaurus

  • unworthy — ► ADJECTIVE (unworthier, unworthiest) ▪ not worthy. DERIVATIVES unworthily adverb unworthiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • unworthy — [[t]ʌnwɜ͟ː(r)ði[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ of n/ ing, ADJ to inf If a person or thing is unworthy of something good, they do not deserve it. [LITERARY] You may feel unworthy of the attention and help people offer you... He felt unworthy of being …   English dictionary

  • unworthy — un|wor|thy [ʌnˈwə:ði US ə:r ] adj formal 1.) not deserving respect, attention etc unworthy of ▪ an idea that s unworthy of serious consideration 2.) unworthy behaviour, attitudes etc are not acceptable from someone who is respected or who has an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unworthy — adj. unworthy of ( unworthy of your help; such behavior is unworthy of you) * * * [ʌn wɜːðɪ] unworthyof (unworthyof your help;such behavior is unworthy of you) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unworthy — un|wor|thy [ ʌn wɜrði ] adjective dishonest or morally wrong: unworthy motives be unworthy of 1. ) to not deserve something: These people are wholly unworthy of our respect. 2. ) to be less good than the standard you would normally expect: These… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • unworthy — adjective Date: 13th century 1. a. lacking in excellence or value ; poor, worthless b. base, dishonorable 2. not meritorious ; undeserving < unworthy of attention > 3. not deserved ; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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