- unsustainable
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
unsustainable — un‧su‧stain‧a‧ble [ˌʌnsəˈsteɪnəbl◂] adjective 1. impossible to continue doing for any length of time: • The company s growth strategy proved unsustainable in a slow sales environment. • The banks claim that the cost of running the system has… … Financial and business terms
unsustainable — I adjective baseless, controvertible, doubtful, erroneous, false, groundless, incorrect, insupportable, questionable, unauthentic, unconformable, undemonstrable, unmaintainable, unprovable, untenable, untrue, untrustworthy, unvenfiable, wrong II… … Law dictionary
unsustainable — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not able to be maintained at the current rate or level. 2) not able to be upheld or defended. 3) upsetting the ecological balance by depleting natural resources. DERIVATIVES unsustainably adverb … English terms dictionary
unsustainable — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unsustainable — un|sus|tain|a|ble [ ,ʌnsə steınəbl ] adjective 1. ) not capable of continuing at the same rate or level: unsustainable economic growth 2. ) unsustainable farming methods, industries, etc. damage the environment because they use up more energy,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unsustainable — UK [ˌʌnsəˈsteɪnəb(ə)l] / US adjective 1) not capable of continuing at the same rate or level unsustainable economic growth 2) unsustainable farming methods, industries etc damage the environment because they use up more energy, wood, coal etc… … English dictionary
unsustainable — un|sus|tain|a|ble [ˌʌnsəˈsteınəbəl] adj unable to continue at the same rate or in the same way ▪ unsustainable economic growth … Dictionary of contemporary English
unsustainable growth — ➔ growth * * * unsustainable growth UK US noun [U] ► ECONOMICS growth that cannot continue at the same rate without causing economic problems: »In contrast to her past concern about unsustainable growth in the economy, she forecast yesterday that … Financial and business terms
Unsustainable fishing methods — are ways of catching wild fish that are not considered sustainable in the long term. This could be because they threaten the fish stock itself by overfishing, or because they threaten the environment the fish need to thrive. Dynamite fishing,… … Wikipedia
unsustainable — unsustainably, adv. /un seuh stay neuh beuhl/, adj. not sustainable; not to be supported, maintained, upheld, or corroborated. [1670 80; UN 1 + SUSTAINABLE] * * * … Universalium