
truly O.E. treowlice, from treow (see TRUE (Cf. true)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Truly — es una banda americana de grunge originaria de la ciudad de Seattle, fundada por el ex The Storybook Krooks Robert Roth, el ex bajista de Soundgarden Hiro Yamamoto, y el ex baterista de Screaming Trees Mark Pickerel, a principios de los 90’. En… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Truly — Tru ly, adv. [From {True}.] 1. In a true manner; according to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to state things truly; the facts are truly represented. [1913 Webster] I can not truly say how I came here. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Exactly; justly;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Truly — ist der Name folgender Personen: Richard Harrison Truly (* 1937), US amerikanischer Astronaut Truly bezeichnet: Truly (Lied), Single von Lionel Richie (1982) Truly (Band), eine US amerikanische Rockband Diese Seite ist …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • truly — ► ADVERB 1) in a truthful way. 2) to the fullest degree; absolutely or completely. 3) genuinely or properly. 4) in actual fact; really. ● yours truly Cf. ↑yours truly …   English terms dictionary

  • truly — [tro͞o′lē] adv. 1. in a true manner; accurately, genuinely, faithfully, factually, etc. 2. really; indeed: often used as an interjection of surprise, confirmation, etc. 3. sincerely: used in the formal complimentary close of a letter [yours truly …   English World dictionary

  • Truly — was a band formed in the wake of the grunge era, featuring, former Soundgarden bassist Hiro Yamamoto, one time Screaming Trees drummer Mark Pickerel and singer Robert Roth. They released one EP: Heart and Lungs 1991, one four track CD Leslie s… …   Wikipedia

  • truly — For Yours truly, see letter forms …   Modern English usage

  • truly — index admittedly, de facto, faithfully, in good faith, ipso facto Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • truly — [adv] really, doubtlessly absolutely, accurately, actually, authentically, beyond doubt, beyond question, confirmedly, constantly, correctly, de facto, definitely, devotedly, exactly, factually, faithfully, firmly, genuinely, honestly, honorably …   New thesaurus

  • truly — [[t]tru͟ːli[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV group, ADV before v (emphasis) You use truly to emphasize that something has all the features or qualities of a particular thing, or is the case to the fullest possible extent. ...a truly democratic system... Not… …   English dictionary

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