
troubadour 1727, from Fr. troubadour "one of a class of lyric poets in southern France, eastern Spain, and northern Italy 11c.-13c.," from O.Prov. trobador, from trobar "to find," earlier "invent a song, compose in verse," probably from V.L. *tropare "compose, sing," especially in the form of tropes, from L. tropus "a song" (see TROPE (Cf. trope)). The alternative theory among Fr. etymologists derives the O.Prov. word from a metathesis of L. turbare "to disturb," via a sense of "to turn up." Meanwhile, Arabists posit an origin in Arabic taraba "to sing." General sense of "one who composes or sings verses or ballads" first recorded 1826.

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  • troubadour — [ trubadur ] n. m. • 1575; a. provenç. trobador « trouveur », de trobar « trouver, composer » 1 ♦ Poète lyrique courtois de langue d oc aux XIIe et XIIIe s. ⇒ jongleur, ménestrel. Trouvères et troubadours. « cette divinisation de la femme, d où… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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