
trekkie 1888, South African, "party of trekkers" (see TREK (Cf. trek)). Meaning "fan of the television program 'Star Trek' " attested by 1976.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Trekkie — (or Trekker) is a term used to describe a fan of all or part of the Star Trek fictional universe. [The word trekkie is found in the Concise Oxford Dictionary .] OriginsIn 1967, Science Fiction editor Arthur W. Saha applied the term trekkies when… …   Wikipedia

  • Trekkie — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar …   Wikipedia Español

  • Trekkie — Trekkies in Verkleidung als Mitglieder der Sternenflotte und als Klingone auf der Baycon 2003. Trekkie oder Trekker ist die Bezeichnung für einen Anhänger der Fernsehserie Star Trek. Einige Fans unterscheiden nach besonders fanatischen Trekkies… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Trekkie — Un trekkie est un fan de la série Star Trek. Ce mot a été utilisé à la fin des années 1960 par Gene Roddenberry lui même, et se trouve dans le Oxford English Dictionary. Parfois trekkie est remplacé par trekker qui a une connotation moins… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Trekkie — La palabra trekkie (a veces también trekker) es el un término usado para referirse a los fans de Star Trek. Está admitido por el Diccionario Oxford, y fue acuñado en los años 60 por el propio Gene Roddenberry, creador y productor de la serie. A… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Trekkie — UK [ˈtrekɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms Trekkie : singular Trekkie plural Trekkies informal a) a fan of the television programme Star Trek b) someone who is very interested in space and in books and films about space …   English dictionary

  • Trekkie — Star Trek Fan; Trekker * * * Trẹk|kie 〈m. 6; umg.; salopp〉 Fan der Sciencefictionfilme bzw. serie „Star Trek“; Sy Trekker (2) * * * Trẹk|kie, der; [s], s [engl. Trekkie, nach dem Namen der Serie] (Jargon): Fan, Anhänger der Science Fiction… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Trekkie Monster — is a character in the Broadway musical Avenue Q who lives in a second floor apartment in a building on Avenue Q, which is a run down street situated somewhere in an outer borough of New York City. His name refers to Cookie Monster on Sesame… …   Wikipedia

  • Trekkie Parsons — Trekkie (Ritchie) Parsons (1902 1995) was a British artist and lithographer, wife of Ian Parsons, who became the close friend of Leonard Woolf after Virginia Woolf s death. Author and illustrator of Bells across the Sand A Book of Rhymes with… …   Wikipedia

  • Trekkie — n a person who is very keen on following the television science fiction series Star Trek. Serious Trekkies attend special conferences to share their enthusiasm and discuss the series in great detail. * * * …   Universalium

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