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Trans-Oceanic — The Trans Oceanic (abbreviated T/O) was the name given to a series of portable radios produced from 1942 to 1981 by Zenith Radio. They were characterised by their heavy duty, high quality construction and their performance as shortwave… … Wikipedia
trans-oceanic — … Useful english dictionary
Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact — For modern theories on how the Americas were first settled, see Settlement of the Americas. Theories of Pre Columbian trans oceanic contact are those theories that propose interaction between indigenous peoples of the Americas who settled the… … Wikipedia
Oceanic Airlines — est une compagnie aérienne fictive utilisée dans des séries télévisées et des films, et ne doit pas être confondue avec les compagnies réelles Trans Oceanic Airlines et Ocean Airlines. Les producteurs du film Ultime décision ont filmé des scènes… … Wikipédia en Français
Oceanic Airlines — (manchmal auch Oceanica Airlines) ist eine fiktive Fluggesellschaft, deren Name und Logo in verschiedenen Filmen und Fernsehserien benutzt wird, meist solchen, in denen Verkehrsflugzeuge ins Unglück fliegen. Da in diesen Filmen nicht der Name… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trans — trans·abdominal; trans·ac·ci·den·ta·tion; trans·acetylase; trans·ac·tion; trans·ac·tion·al; trans·ac·tor; trans·admittance; trans·am·i·nase; trans·am·i·na·tion; trans·an·i·ma·tion; trans·an·nu·lar; trans·border; trans·ca·lent; trans·callosal;… … English syllables
Trans-cultural diffusion — In cultural anthropology and cultural geography, cultural diffusion, as first conceptualized by Alfred L. Kroeber in his influential 1940 paper Stimulus Diffusion, or trans cultural diffusion in later reformulations, is the spread of cultural… … Wikipedia
Oceanic Airlines — В данной статье или разделе имеется список источников или внешних ссылок, но источники отдельных утверждений остаются неясными из за отсутствия сносок … Википедия
Timeline of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact — This is a Timeline of contacts between the Americas and the rest of the world. *Models of migration to the New World ** To about 47,000 BC (disputed) Some archaeologists have presented evidence suggesting pre Clovis culture peoples arrived in… … Wikipedia
Trans-Hudson orogeny — [ North American craton, also called Laurentia.] [ Wyoming, Superior and Hearne cratons] The Trans Hudson orogeny, Trans Hudsonian orogeny, Trans Hudson orogen (THO), or Trans Hudson Orogen Transect (THOT), (also referred to as the Trans… … Wikipedia