
tother "the other," early 13c., þe toþer, from faulty separation of þet oþer "that other;" simple use of tother in place of the other is attested by 1580s.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • tother — originally a Middle English form (the tother) derived from wrong division of that other, is still used in humorous contexts and to produce a lightened effect in BrE: • One solution would be for tother participants in the cross channel rail… …   Modern English usage

  • tother — [tuth′ər] adj., pron. [ME the tother, by faulty division of thet other, that other] Chiefly Dial. the (or that) other …   English World dictionary

  • tother — /ˈtʌðə/ (say tudhuh) Archaic –pronoun 1. the other: to tell one from tother. –adjective 2. the other: on the tother side. Also, t other. {Middle English the tother, variant of thet other the other} …  

  • tother — adj. & pron. (also t other) dial. or joc. the other. Phrases and idioms: tell tother from which joc. tell one from the other. Etymology: ME the tother, for earlier thet other that other ; now understood as = the other …   Useful english dictionary

  • tother — or t other pronoun or adjective Etymology: Middle English tother, alteration (resulting from misdivision of thet other the other, from thet the from Old English thæt + other) of other more at that Date: 13th century chiefly dialect the other …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tother — /tudh euhr/, adj., pron. Older Use. that other; the other. Also, t other. [1175 1225; ME the tother for thet other, var. of that other the other; see THAT, OTHER] * * * …   Universalium

  • tother — pronoun Other. an they left onen the sarvant gals as well for compny for the housekeeper, but the tother sarvant gals they took wid em. The Robber and the Housekeeper …   Wiktionary

  • Tother — This medieval name is job descriptive, either for a maker of head chains or ropes (tethers) or a metonymic for a jailer or warder. It is also possible that it was job descriptive for a stablehand, one responsible for tethering and feeding the… …   Surnames reference

  • tother — toth•er or t oth•er [[t]ˈtʌð ər[/t]] adj. pron. sts that other; the other • Etymology: 1175–1225; ME the tother for thet other, var. of that other the other …   From formal English to slang

  • tother — the other Forthright s Forsoothery …   Phrontistery dictionary

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