
tomcat (n.) 1809, from TOM (Cf. Tom) + CAT (Cf. cat); probably influenced by Tom the Cat in the popular children's book "The Life and Adventures of a Cat" (1760); replaced earlier Gib-cat, from dim. of Gilbert, though Tom was applied to male kittens c.1300. Used of the males of other beasts and birds since 1791. Cf. also TIBERT (Cf. Tibert). The verb meaning "to pursue women promiscuously for sexual gratification" is recorded from 1927.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Tomcat — may refer to:* A male cat, known as a tom or tomcat * Tomcats (film), a 2001 comedy film * Apache Tomcat, a web container that functions as a web server supporting servlets and JSPs * Beretta Tomcat, a small .32 caliber pistol * F 14 Tomcat, a… …   Wikipedia

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  • Tomcat — Tom cat , n. [Tom (see {Tomboy}) + cat.] A male cat, especially when full grown or of large size. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tomcat —   [ tɔmcæt, englisch], Typenbezeichnung F 14; zweisitziges, schiffsgestütztes Militärflugzeug mit Schwenkflügeln; Einsatz als Abfangjäger zum Flottenschutz, als taktischer Aufklärer und leichter Bomber; Erstflug am 21. 12. 1970; die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tomcat — ► NOUN ▪ a male domestic cat …   English terms dictionary

  • tomcat — [täm′kat΄] n. [see TOM] a male cat vi. tomcatted, tomcatting Slang to be sexually promiscuous: said of a man …   English World dictionary

  • Tomcat — Para otros usos de este término, véase Grumman F 14 Tomcat. Tomcat …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tomcat — При слитном написании англ. Tomcat  кот самец. При раздельном написании англ. Tom cat  кот по имени Том (сокращение от англ. Thomas  Фома) один из двух главных персонажей Том и Джерри Grumman F 14 Tomcat … …   Википедия

  • Tomcat — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Grumman F 14 Tomcat, un avion de chasse. En informatique, Apache Tomcat, un serveur web pour des applications java. Tomcat est le surnom du modèle de moto …   Wikipédia en Français

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