
Sunni 1620s, from Arabic, lit. "lawful," from Sunna "traditional teachings of Muhammad," lit. "way, custom, course, tradition." Muslims who accept the orthodox tradition as well as the Quran.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Sunni — ► NOUN (pl. same or Sunnis) 1) one of the two main branches of Islam, differing from Shia in its understanding of the Sunna and in its acceptance of the first three caliphs. Compare with SHIA(Cf. ↑Shia). 2) a Muslim who adheres to this branch of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Sunni — noun Etymology: Arabic sunnī, from sunna Date: 1595 1. the Muslims of the branch of Islam that adheres to the orthodox tradition and acknowledges the first four caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad compare Shia 2. a Sunni Muslim • Sunni… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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