Threshold — may refer to:Books and comics* Threshold (novel), a 1985 science fiction novel by David R. Palmer * Threshold (Sara Douglass novel), a 1997 fantasy novel by Sara Douglass * Threshold , a 2001 science fiction novel by Caitlín R. KiernanFilm and… … Wikipedia
threshold — thresh‧old [ˈθreʆhəʊld, ʆəʊld ǁ oʊld] noun [countable] the level at which something belongs in a particular class or is affected by a particular rule: • Many large mortgages were taken out, on the assumption that interest rates would remain below … Financial and business terms
threshold — thresh·old 1 / thresh ˌhōld/ n: a point of beginning: a minimum requirement for further action; specif: a determination (as of fact or the existence of a reasonable doubt) upon which something else (as further consideration or a right of action)… … Law dictionary
Threshold — (engl. für „Schwelle“) bezeichnet einen Begriff aus der Teilchenphysik, siehe Schwellenergie einen Arbeitspunkt in MOS Transistoren (dt. Schwellspannung), siehe Metall Oxid Halbleiter Feldeffekttransistor einen Optimierungsalgorithmus, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
threshold — [thresh′ōld΄, thresh′hōld΄] n. [ME threschwold < OE therscwold (akin to ON threskǫlder) < base of therscan (see THRASH) + ?] 1. DOORSILL 2. the entrance or beginning point of something [at the threshold of a new career] 3. Physiol. Psychol … English World dictionary
Threshold — Thresh old, n. [OE. threswold, [thorn]reshwold, AS. [thorn]rescwald, [thorn]erscwald, [thorn]erscold, [thorn]rescold, fr. [thorn]rescan, [thorn]erscan, to thresh; akin to Icel. [thorn]reskj[ o]de, [thorn]r[ o]skuldr, Sw. tr[ o]skel, Dan.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
threshold — threshold. См. порог. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Threshold — [englisch, θreʃəʊld; wörtlich »Schwelle«], an bestimmten Effektgeräten (Flanger, Limiter, Noisegate u. a.) einstellbarer Pegel (Schwellwert), bei dessen Erreichen der beabsichtigte Effekt ausgelöst wird … Universal-Lexikon
threshold — Threshold Пороговый сигнал Наименьший сигнал на входе приемного устройства, при котором обеспечивается его регистрация с заданной достоверностью … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
threshold — is spelt with one h (contrast withhold), and the h is optionally silent or aspirated in speech … Modern English usage