
thane O.E. þegn "military follower," also "servant, attendant," from P.Gmc. *thegnas (Cf. O.S. thegan "follower, warrior, boy," O.N. þegn "thane, freeman," O.H.G. thegan, Ger. Degen "thane, warrior, hero"), from PIE *tek-no- (Cf. Skt. takman "descendant, child," Gk. teknon "child"), from root *tek- "to beget, give birth to" (Cf. Gk. tekos "child, the young of animals," tokos "childbirth, offspring, produce of money, interest"). Also used in O.E. for "disciple of Christ." Specific sense of "man who ranks between an earl and a freeman" is late 15c. The modern spelling is from Scottish, where early 13c. it came to mean "chief of a clan, king's baron," and probably predominated in English due to influence of "Macbeth;" normal orthographic changes from O.E. ðegn would have produced Mod.Eng. *thain. Some historians now use thegn to distinguish Anglo-Saxon thanes from Scottish thanes.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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