
tetherball also tether-ball, 1900, from TETHER (Cf. tether) + BALL (Cf. ball) (n.1).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Tetherball — is a game for two opposing players. The equipment consists of a 10 ft (3 m), stationary metal pole, from which is hung a ball from a rope, or tether. The two players stand on opposite sides of the pole. Each player tries to hit the ball one way;… …   Wikipedia

  • tetherball — ☆ tetherball [teth′ər bôl΄ ] n. 1. a game played by two people who, using the hand or a paddle, hit from opposite directions at a ball hanging by a length of a cord from a pole: the object of the game is to make the cord coil completely around… …   English World dictionary

  • Tetherball — Une partie de tetherball Le tetherball et le swingball sont deux jeux sportifs très similaires, qui se jouent à deux. L équipement est composé d un poteau métallique fixe, auquel une balle est suspendue par une corde. Les deux joueurs se tiennent …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tetherball — noun a) A two person sport where you hit a ball on the end of a tether attached to the top of a pole in opposte directions, and the winner is the one who manages to make the tether wrap all the way round the pole. b) The ball in the sport of… …   Wiktionary

  • tetherball — n. ball used in tetherball game n. type of ball game for two people where a ball is suspended by a cord on a vertical pole (the objective of the game is to wrap the cord around the pole by hitting the ball in a direction opposite to that of the… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tetherball — noun Date: circa 1900 a game played with a ball suspended by a string from an upright pole in which the object is to wrap the string around the pole by striking the ball in a direction opposite to that of one s opponent; also the ball used in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tetherball — /tedh euhr bawl /, n. a game for two persons, in which each player, standing on each side of a post from the top of which a ball is suspended by a cord, hits the ball with the hand or a paddle in a direction opposite to that in which the other… …   Universalium

  • tetherball — teth|er|ball [ teθər,bɔl ] noun uncount a game played by two people with a ball that is attached to the top of a pole with a long rope. Each player tries to wrap the rope completely around the pole by hitting the ball in one direction or the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tetherball — teth•er•ball [[t]ˈtɛð ərˌbɔl[/t]] n. gam a game in which two players hit in opposite directions a ball attached by a cord to a post, the object being to coil the cord completely around the post • Etymology: 1895–1900 …   From formal English to slang

  • tetherball — noun a game with two players who use rackets to strike a ball that is tethered to the top of a pole; the object is to wrap the string around the pole • Hypernyms: ↑athletic game …   Useful english dictionary

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