Tea party — (que en inglés puede significar tanto «reunión del té» como «Partido del Té») puede referirse a: Tea party, una tradicional reunión social de mujeres en torno al té en el mundo anglosajón. Motín del Té de Boston (Boston tea party), revuelta en… … Wikipedia Español
Tea Party — (песня) песня эстонской певицы Кёрли. Движение чаепития (англ. Tea Party movement) консервативно либертарианское политическое движение в США. Бостонское чаепитие (англ. Boston Tea Party) акция протестa американских колонистов, ставшая… … Википедия
tea party — tea .party n 1.) a small party in the afternoon at which tea, cake etc is served 2.) be no tea party AmE informal to be very difficult or unpleasant to do … Dictionary of contemporary English
tea party — tea ,party noun count a small party in the afternoon where tea, sandwiches, cakes, etc. are served be no tea party AMERICAN INFORMAL to be difficult or unpleasant … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tea party — tea parties also tea party N COUNT A tea party is a social gathering in the afternoon at which tea, cakes, and sandwiches are served. [OLD FASHIONED] … English dictionary
tea party — n. a social gathering at which tea is served, usually in the late afternoon … English World dictionary
Tea party — In Anglo American culture, a tea party is typically a formal, ritualized gathering (traditionally of women) for afternoon tea, although men may be invited to participate. The afternoon tea party was a feature of great houses in the Victorian and… … Wikipedia
Tea Party — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. L expression Tea Party, équivalent anglosaxon du goûter, peut désigner : le Tea Party, mouvement politique américain ; Boston Tea Party, révolte … Wikipédia en Français
tea party — noun a party at which tea is served (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑party * * * noun, pl ⋯ ties [count] : an afternoon social gathering at which tea is served * * * ˈtea party [tea party tea parties] … Useful english dictionary
tea party — 1. n. a wild drinking party. (Like the Mad Hatter’s party in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.) □ There was a loud tea party going on in the corner booth when Barlowe came in. □ I’m having a little tea party Friday. Wanna come? 2. n. something … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions