
supper late 13c., "the last meal of the day," from O.Fr. super "supper," noun use of super "to eat the evening meal," which is of Germanic origin (see SUP (Cf. sup) (1)).
Formerly, the last of the three meals of the day (breakfast, dinner, and supper); now applied to the last substantial meal of the day when dinner is taken in the middle of the day, or to a late meal following an early evening dinner. Supper is usually a less formal meal than late dinner. [OED]
Applied since c.1300 to the last meal of Christ.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Supper — is the name for the evening meal in some dialects of English ordinarily the last meal of the day. The term is derived from the French souper , which is still used for this meal in Canadian French, Swiss French and sometimes in Belgian French. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Supper — Sup per, n. [OE. soper, super, OF. super, soper, F. souper; originally an infinitive, to sup, take a meal. See {Soup}, and cf. {Sup} to take supper.] A meal taken at the close of the day; the evening meal. [1913 Webster] Note: Supper is much used …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • supper — ► NOUN 1) a light or informal evening meal. 2) Scottish & N. English a meal consisting of the specified food with chips: a fish supper. ● sing for one s supper Cf. ↑sing for one s supper ORIGIN from Old French super to sup …   English terms dictionary

  • Supper — Sup per, v. i. To take supper; to sup. [R.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • supper — [sup′ər] n. [ME souper < OFr, orig. inf., to SUP2] 1. an evening meal; specif., a) dinner, when eaten in the evening b) a late, usually light, evening meal, as one eaten after attending the theater ☆ 2. an evening social affair at which a meal …   English World dictionary

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