
sumac c.1300, "preparation of dried, chopped leaves of a plant of the genus Rhus" (used in tanning and dyeing and as an astringent), from O.Fr. sumac (13c.), from M.L. sumach, from Arabic summaq, from Syrian summaq "red." Later applied to N.Amer. species.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • sumac — sumac …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • sumac — [ symak ] n. m. • XIIIe; ar. summaq ♦ Plante dicotylédone (térébinthacées), arbuste aux nombreuses variétés. Sumac de Virginie. ⇒ amarante. Sumac des teinturiers. ⇒ fustet. Sumac de Sicile, dont on utilise les feuilles en tannerie. Sumac à bois… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sumac — SUMÁC s.m. Numele mai multor arbori sau arbuşti mediteraneeni cu frunze compuse, bogate în substanţe tanante, dintre care unele specii sunt cultivate şi folosite în industria pielăriei, în medicină etc. (Rhus). – Din fr. sumac. Trimis de claudia …   Dicționar Român

  • Sumac — Su mac, Sumach Su mach, n. [F. sumac, formerly sumach (cf. Sp. zumaque), fr. Ar. summ[=a]q.] [Written also {shumac}.] 1. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Rhus}, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sumac — or sumach [so͞o′mak΄, sho͞o′mak΄] n. [ME sumac < MFr < Ar summāq] 1. any of various shrubs and small trees (genus Rhus) of the cashew family, including poison sumac and several nonpoisonous plants 2. the pulverized dried leaves of some of… …   English World dictionary

  • SUMAC — (mishnaic Heb. אוֹג), the Arabic name for the Rhus coriaria. This shrub or low tree, belonging to the family Anacardiadeae, which includes the terebinth and the pistachio , grows wild in the groves of Israel. The tree is dioecious, with pinnate… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Sumac — taxobox name = Sumac image caption = Sumac fruit in fall regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Sapindales familia = Anacardiaceae genus = Rhus genus authority = L. subdivision… …   Wikipedia

  • Sumac — Yma Sumac, 1953 Yma Sumac (* 10. September 1922 in Ichocán, Peru; † 1. November 2008 in Silver Lake, Los Angeles, Kalifornien; Ima sumaq (Quechua: „Wie schön“); auch Imma Sumack oder Ima Sumack; eigentlicher Name Zoila Augusta Emperatriz Chavarri …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sumac — /sooh mak, shooh /, n. 1. any of several shrubs or small trees belonging to the genus Rhus of the cashew family, having milky sap, compound leaves, and small, fleshy fruit. 2. a preparation of the dried and powdered leaves, bark, etc., of certain …   Universalium

  • sumac — (su mak) s. m. 1°   Genre de la famille des térébinthacées ; on y distingue : le sumac des corroyeurs, rhus coriaria, L. arbrisseau de l Europe méridionale ; le sumac vénéneux, rhus toxicodendrum, L. arbrisseau de l Amérique ; et le sumac au… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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