
standby (n.) 1796, originally nautical, of a vessel kept nearby for emergencies, from STAND (Cf. stand) (v.) + BY (Cf. by). In civil aviation, as an adj. meaning "without a booked ticket," from 1961. The verbal phrase stand by "await, support" is from 13c. As an order to hold one's self in readiness, it is recorded from 1660s.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Standby — may refer to:*Standby (telecommunications), term in telecommunications *Standby (air travel), a list in which passengers may request to be placed on to request an earlier or more convenient flight. *Standby (theater), an actor or performer who… …   Wikipedia

  • standby — [b] (II)[/b] (izg. stèndbaj) prid. DEFINICIJA 1. koji čeka na slobodno mjesto u avionu [standby putnik] 2. koji se nalazi u rezervi, može se odmah iskoristiti [standby posao] SINTAGMA standby aranžman ekon. odnos u kojem banka kontinuirano prati… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • standby — [stand′bī΄] n. pl. standbys 1. a person or thing that can always be depended on, is always effective, etc. 2. a person or thing ready to serve or be put into service on an emergency basis or as a substitute 3. a person waiting to board an… …   English World dictionary

  • Standby — (engl. „Sich Bereithalten“) steht für: Bereitschaftsbetrieb eines technischen Geräts Standby Modus (PC), auch ACPI S3, Bereitschaftszustand eines Computers Bereitschaftsdienst in der Wirtschaft, insbesondere bei allen öffentlichen Berufen Standby …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • standby — index colleague Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • standby — [b] (I)[/b] (izg. stèndbaj) m DEFINICIJA 1. stanje pripravnosti da se reagira, nešto napravi 2. čekanje da tko odustane od leta kako bi se dobilo mjesto u avionu ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • standby — [n] substitute assistant, backup, deputy, double, fill in, pinch hitter*, relief, replacement, reserve, stalwart, stand in, sub*, successor, temp*, temporary, understudy; concepts 423,712 …   New thesaurus

  • standby — ► NOUN (pl. standbys) 1) readiness for duty or immediate action. 2) a person or thing ready to be deployed in an emergency. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of tickets for a journey or performance) unreserved and sold only at the last minute if still available …   English terms dictionary

  • standby — ▪ I. standby stand‧by 1 [ˈstændbaɪ] also stand by noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] someone or something that is ready to be used when needed: • The government has asked potential donor countries for 75,000 tonnes of grain as a standby …   Financial and business terms

  • standby — stand|by1 [ stænd,baı ] noun count someone or something that is always available to be used if it is needed in a particular situation: a standby diesel generator We ve kept the old stroller as a standby in case the new one breaks. on standby 1. ) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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