
stagflation (n.) 1965, apparently coined by U.K. politician Iain Macleod (1913-1970), from stag(nation) + (in)flation.
Attacking the Government's economic policy last night in the House of Commons, Mr. Iain Macleod (West Enfield - Con.) the Opposition spokesman on Treasury and economic affairs, described the present situation in Britain as "stagflation" -- stagnation and inflation together. ["Glasgow Herald," Nov. 18, 1965]

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  • Stagflation — is an economic situation in which inflation and economic stagnation occur simultaneously and remain unchecked for a period of time. cite book last = Blanchard first = Olivier title = Macroeconomics edition = 2nd ed. pages = p. G8 publisher =… …   Wikipedia

  • STAGFLATION — STAGFLATI Situation économique caractérisée par un ralentissement du rythme de croissance de la production et une augmentation du chômage, alors que la hausse des prix se poursuit ou s’accélère, la stagflation a touché à des degrés divers, dans… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Stagflation — er et økonomisk begreb der indebærer stigende priser samtidig med, at der er arbejdsløshed og ikke nogen økonomisk vækst (stagnation i produktionen) altså en kombination af dårligdommene i forbindelse med både lavkonjunktur og højkonjunktur …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Stagflation — Stagflation,die:⇨Rezession …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • stagflation — [stag flā′shən] n. [ STAG(NATION) + (IN)FLATION] an economic condition marked by a continuing inflation together with a decline in business activity and an increase in unemployment …   English World dictionary

  • Stagflation — Die Stagflation (ein Kofferwort aus den Worten „Stagnation“ und „Inflation“) beschreibt den Zustand eines Währungsgebietes, in dem Volkswirtschaftliche Stagnation und Inflation zusammenkommen. Während einer Phase der Stagflation gelingt es einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stagflation — Stagnation und Inflation * * * Stag|fla|ti|on 〈f. 20〉 Wirtschaftslage, in der bei allmählicher Geldentwertung Produktion u. Beschäftigung zurückgehen [<stagnieren + Inflation] * * * Stag|fla|ti|on [ʃt… , st… ], die; , en [engl. stagflation,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • stagflation — A period of slow economic growth and high unemployment with rising prices ( inflation). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * stagflation stag‧fla‧tion [stægˈfleɪʆn] noun [uncountable] ECONOMICS an economic condition in which there is inflation… …   Financial and business terms

  • Stagflation — La stagflation est la situation d une économie qui souffre simultanément d’une croissance économique faible ou nulle et d une forte inflation (c’est à dire une croissance rapide des prix). Cette situation est souvent accompagnée d un taux de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stagflation — A condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment a time of stagnation accompanied by a rise in prices, or inflation. Stagflation occurs when the economy isn t growing but prices are, which is not a good situation for a country …   Investment dictionary

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