
spyware by 2000, from SPY (Cf. spy) + ending from SOFTWARE (Cf. software) in the computer sense.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Spyware — is a type of malware that can be installed on computers, and which collects small pieces of information about users without their knowledge. The presence of spyware is typically hidden from the user, and can be difficult to detect. Typically,… …   Wikipedia

  • Spyware — (шпионское программное обеспечение)  программное обеспечение, осуществляющее деятельность по сбору информации о конфигурации компьютера, деятельности пользователя и любой другой конфиденциальной информации без согласия самого пользователя.… …   Википедия

  • spyware — UK US /ˈspaɪweər/ US  / wer/ noun [U] IT, INTERNET ► software that is designed to collect information about how someone uses the internet, or personal information such as passwords, without the user knowing about it: »Scan all the files that you… …   Financial and business terms

  • spyware — n. Software that is secretly installed on a computer without the owner’s knowledge or consent in order to collect personal information, to use the computer to send spam, to hijack the Web browser, or to conduct other illegal activities. The… …   Law dictionary

  • Spyware — Als Spyware (Zusammensetzung aus spy, dem englischen Wort für Spion, und ware als Endung von Software, also Programmen für den Computer; zu deutsch etwa Spähprogramm oder Schnüffelsoftware) wird üblicherweise Software bezeichnet, die Daten eines… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spyware — Logiciel espion Cet article fait partie de la série Programmes malveillants Virus Cabir MyDoom.A Tchernobyl …   Wikipédia en Français

  • spyware — ▪ computing       type of computer program that is secretly installed on a person s computer in order to divulge the owner s private information, including lists of World Wide Web sites visited and passwords and credit card numbers input, via the …   Universalium

  • Spyware — Spionagesoftware * * * Spyware   [dt. »Spionierware«] die, Software, die ohne Wissen bzw. gegen den Willen des Benutzers in einen Computer eingeschleust wird, dort Daten ausspäht und diese an andere übermittelt. Dieses Ausspähen geschieht meist… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • spyware — [[t]spa͟ɪweə(r)[/t]] N UNCOUNT Spyware is computer software that secretly records information about which websites you visit. [COMPUTING] The publishers promise not to use spyware to grab your personal information or otherwise compromise privacy …   English dictionary

  • spyware — n. A software program that surreptitiously sends data to an individual or a company when the computer on which the program is installed is connected to the Internet. Example Citation: A computer with an always on connection has a permanent IP… …   New words

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