
sook variant of SOUK (Cf. souk).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Sook — may refer to: * Glynko da Sook, powerlifter * Hoon Sook Pak, ballerina * Moon Nam Sook, Korean voice actor * Ryan Sook, comic book artist * Suki Low Sook Yee, winner in the One in a Million competition * Yoo Eun Sook, Korean voice actoree also*… …   Wikipedia

  • Sook — steht für: T sou ke, eine der kanadischen First Nations ein kommerzielles Viertel in einer arabischen Stadt, siehe Suq Sook ist der Name folgender Personen: Oleg Sook (* 1965), ukrainischer Rockmusiker Ryan Sook, US amerikanischer Comiczeichner …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sook — /sook/, n. 1. Australia and New Zealand. a timid, cowardly person, esp. a young person; crybaby. interj. 2. Midland U.S. (used to summon cows from the pasture). [1890 95; prob. from earlier sense calf reared by hand, perh. suck( calf), with sp.… …   Universalium

  • Sook — Sook, Dorf, so v.w. Sok …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • sook — [so͞ok] n. alt. sp. of SOUK …   English World dictionary

  • sook — I Australian Slang a person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive; a cry baby someone who is likely to burst into tears with minimal provocation II Scottish Vernacular Dictionary To suck When the weans hud sooked aw the orange colour oot thur… …   English dialects glossary

  • sook — nain·sook; sook; sook·ie; …   English syllables

  • sook — /sʊk / (say sook) Colloquial –noun 1. Also, sookie. a poddy calf. 2. (usually with children) a timid, shy, cowardly person; a cry baby: *The teacher watched him walk away and thought, hating himself for it: cry baby, sook, bellowing big calf of a …  

  • sook — 1. noun /suːk, sʊk/ a) Familiar name for a calf. Dont be such a sook. b) Familiar name for a cow. I was so upset that I went home and had a sook about it. 2. interjection /suːk, sʊk/ a) A call for calves …   Wiktionary

  • sook — kindly description of someone who is being silly, or behaving like a softy or scaredy cat. As in: you re being a sook ... just a big sook and so on... More often than not the phrase is used as a term of endearment. Suggested by Pam …   Kiwi (New Zealand slang)

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