
Salic 1540s, from Fr. Salique, from M.L. Salicus, from the Salian Franks, a tribe that once lived near the Zuider Zee, the ancestors of the Merovingian kings, lit. "those living near the river Sala" (modern Ijssel). Salic Law, code of law of Germanic tribes, was invoked 1316 by Philip V of France to exclude a woman from succeeding to the throne of France (and later to combate the French claims of Edward III of England), but the precise meaning of the passage is unclear.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Salic — Sal ic (s[a^]l [i^]k), a. [F. salique, fr. the Salian Franks, who, in the fifth century, formed a body of laws called in Latin leges Salic[ae].] Of or pertaining to the Salian Franks, or to the Salic law so called. [Also {salique}.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Salic — also Salique adjective Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French salique, from Medieval Latin Salicus, from Late Latin Salii Salic Franks Date: circa 1548 of, relating to, or being a Frankish people that settled on the IJssel… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • salic- — ► prefijo Componente de palabra procedente del lat. salix, icis, que significa sauce: ■ salicilina. * * * salic Elemento prefijo del lat. «salix, ĭcis», sauce, principio de derivados cultos. * * * altsalic , salici /alt ► Prefijos procedentes del …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • salic — adj. = SALIAN. Phrases and idioms: Salic law hist. 1 a law excluding females from dynastic succession, esp. as the alleged fundamental law of the French monarchy. 2 a Frankish law book extant in Merovingian and Carolingian times. Etymology: F… …   Useful english dictionary

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