
slinky (adj.) "sinuous and slender," of women or clothes, 1921, from SLINK (Cf. slink) + -Y (Cf. -y) (2). As a proprietary name (with capital from S-) for a spring marketed as a toy, 1948, by James Industries Inc., Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Slinky — en métal. Slinky en plastique aux couleurs de l arc en ciel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Slinky — aus Metall. Das Slinky, erfunden um 1945 von dem Mechaniker Richard James aus Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), ist ein Spielzeug aus einer Metall oder auch Kunststoffschraubenfeder, das zu verschiedensten Spielen und Physikübungen animiert. So kann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Slinky — es un personaje de las películas Toy Story, Toy Story 2 y Toy Story 3, así como de los videojuegos de respectivas películas. Slinky es un juguete que es medio perro y medio muelle. Slinky tiene cabeza, cuello y patas delanteras de perro y la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Slinky — Slink y, a. Thin; lank. [Prov. Eng. & U. S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slinky — ► ADJECTIVE (slinkier, slinkiest) informal ▪ graceful and sinuous in movement or form …   English terms dictionary

  • slinky — [sliŋ′kē] adj. slinkier, slinkiest [ SLINK1 + Y2] 1. sneaking; stealthy; furtive 2. Slang sinuous and graceful in movement, line, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Slinky — A Slinky is a coil shaped toy invented by mechanical engineer Richard James in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [ Inventor of the Week: Archive ] ] It could go down stairs by walking end over end . [ Reader s… …   Wikipedia

  • slinky — slink|y [ˈslıŋki] adj 1.) a slinky dress, skirt etc is smooth and tight and shows the shape of a woman s body in a way that looks sexually attractive ▪ a slinky black dress 2.) slinky movements, music, or voices are slow in a way that is sexually …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slinky — UK [ˈslɪŋkɪ] / US adjective Word forms slinky : adjective slinky comparative slinkier superlative slinkiest slinky clothes fit your body closely and make you look sexually attractive …   English dictionary

  • slinky — adjective (slinkier; est) Date: 1918 1. characterized by slinking ; stealthily quiet < slinky movements > 2. sleek and sinuous in movement or outline; especially following the lines of the figure in a gracefully flowing manner < a slinky evening… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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