
sinewy late 14c., from SINEW (Cf. sinew) + -Y (Cf. -y) (2).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Sinewy — Sin ew*y, a. 1. Pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling, a sinew or sinews. [1913 Webster] The sinewy thread my brain lets fall. Donne. [1913 Webster] 2. Well braced with, or as if with, sinews; nervous; vigorous; strong; firm; tough; as, the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sinewy — [sin′yo͞o ē] adj. 1. of or like sinew; tough; strong 2. having many or large sinews, as a cut of meat 3. having good muscular development [sinewy shoulders] 4. vigorous; powerful; robust [a sinewy style of writing] …   English World dictionary

  • sinewy — index powerful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sinewy — *muscular, athletic, husky, brawny, burly Analogous words: robust, *healthy, sound: *strong, tough, tenacious, sturdy: nervous, *vigorous, energetic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • sinewy — [adj] stringy, tough athletic, brawny, fibrous, firm, hard, leathery, muscular, powerful, strong, sturdy, vigorous; concepts 314,485,489,490 …   New thesaurus

  • sinewy — sinewiness, n. /sin yooh ee/, adj. 1. having strong sinews: a sinewy back. 2. of or like sinews; tough, firm, braided, or resilient: a sinewy rope. 3. having conspicuous sinews; stringy: tough, sinewy meat. 4. vigorous or forceful, as language,… …   Universalium

  • sinewy — [[t]sɪ̱njuːi[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is sinewy has a lean body with strong muscles. A short, sinewy young man... When muscles are exercised often and properly, they keep the arms firm and sinewy. ...his long sinewy hands …   English dictionary

  • sinewy — adjective Date: 14th century 1. full of sinews: as a. tough, stringy < sinewy meat > b. strong < sinewy arms > 2. marked by the strength of sinews < a demanding sinewy intelligence Helen Dudar > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sinewy — sin•ew•y [[t]ˈsɪn yu i[/t]] adj. 1) having strong or conspicuous sinews: a sinewy back[/ex] 2) tough; firm: a sinewy rope[/ex] 3) containing many sinews; stringy: tough, sinewy meat[/ex] 4) vigorous or forceful, as language or style • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • sinewy — sin|ew|y [ˈsınju:i] adj a sinewy person has a thin body and strong muscles ▪ a big man with long, sinewy arms …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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