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shotgun — [shät′gun΄] n. 1. a smoothbore gun, usually used for firing a charge of shot at short range, as in hunting small game 2. Football an offensive formation, esp. for passing, in which the quarterback takes the snap while standing several yards… … English World dictionary
Shotgun — Shot gun , n. A light, smooth bored gun, often double barreled, especially designed for firing small shot at short range, and killing small game. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shotgun — index gun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
shotgun — ► NOUN ▪ a smooth bore gun for firing small shot at short range … English terms dictionary
Shotgun — For other uses, see Shotgun (disambiguation). A pump action Remington 870, two semi automatic … Wikipedia
shotgun — /shot gun /, n., adj., v., shotgunned, shotgunning. n. 1. a smoothbore gun for firing small shot to kill birds and small quadrupeds, though often used with buckshot to kill larger animals. 2. Football. an offensive formation, designed primarily… … Universalium
shotgun — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ 12 bore (BrE), 12 gauge (AmE), double barrelled/double barreled, pump (AmE), pump action, sawed off (AmE), sawn off (BrE) ▪ The men were armed with saw … Collocations dictionary
shotgun — 1. noun a) A gun which fires loads consisting of small metal balls, called shot, from a cartridge. I call shotgun! (I claim the right to sit in the passenger seat.) b) The front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver; so called because… … Wiktionary
Shotgun — Der Begriff Shotgun (von engl. shotgun = Schrotflinte) bezeichnet: eine Flinte eine molekularbiologische Methode zur Entschlüsselung von Genomen, siehe Shotgun Sequencing einen Haustyp, der vor allem im Süden der USA verbreitet ist, siehe Shotgun … Deutsch Wikipedia
shotgun — 1. mod. broad; general. □ It was a shotgun attempt to include everyone. □ A shotgun approach to a problem like this is useless. You must get specific. 2. exclam. <a phrase called out by someone who claims the privilege of riding in a car’s… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions