Shebang! — is an all female breakdance crew in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The group is comprised of b girls with the stage names Blazin , jennrock, mae hem, Ms. Mighty, and DJ Dalia.shebang! has performed with notable artists including the Beastie Boys,… … Wikipedia
Shebang — is a slang term for the matter at hand, as in the phrase, the whole shebang . The word is also slang for a party, gathering or event, such as I m throwing a little shebang at the barn tonight . The word can also refer to:* Shebang (Unix), the #!… … Wikipedia
Shebang — es, en la jerga de Unix, el nombre que recibe el par de caracteres #! que se encuentran al inicio de los programas ejecutables interpretados. A continuación de estos caracteres se indica la ruta completa al intérprete de las órdenes contenidas en … Wikipedia Español
shebang — ► NOUN informal ▪ a matter, operation, or situation: the whole shebang. ORIGIN originally US, in the sense «a rough hut or shelter»; of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
shebang — ☆ shebang [shə baŋ′ ] n. [prob. var. of SHEBEEN] 1. a shack or hut 2. Informal an affair, business, contrivance, thing, etc.: chiefly in the whole shebang … English World dictionary
Shebang — She*bang , n. [Cf. {Shebeen}.] A jocosely depreciative name for a dwelling or shop. [Slang,U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shebang — Die Shebang Zeichen – hash bang Shebang (auch Magic Line) bezeichnet bei unixoiden Betriebssystemen die Zeichenkombination #! am Anfang eines Skriptprogramms. Die Markierung führt dazu, dass das folgende Kommando mitsamt allen angegebenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shebang — Le shebang, représenté par #!, est un en tête d un fichier qui indique au système que ce fichier est un ensemble de commandes pour l interpréteur indiqué, possiblement un mot valise pour sharp bang[1]. On trouve aussi d autres dénominations … Wikipédia en Français
shebang — /ʃəˈbæŋ / (say shuh bang) Colloquial –noun 1. a thing; affair; business. 2. a disturbance; brawl. –phrase 3. the whole shebang, the totality of something; the lot; everything: *So I m going to give em a picnic, see? The whole shebang. –ruth park …
shebang — noun a) Any matter of present concern; thing; or business. Before Id share anything with you, he said bitterly, Id lose the whole shebang. b) A lean to or temporary shelter. <! [sic] all in one paragraph […] So they got into the empty omnibus… … Wiktionary