schmear — [shmir] n. [E Yiddish shmir, lit., a smearing < shmirn, to smear < MHG smir(we)n] Slang 1. some matter or activity with all its related features: usually the whole schmear 2. a bribe: Also sp. schmeer … English World dictionary
schmear — noun (Yiddish) a batch of things that go together he bought the whole schmeer • Syn: ↑schmeer, ↑shmear • Topics: ↑Yiddish • Hypernyms: ↑batch, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
schmear — /shmear/, Slang. n. 1. a dab, as of cream cheese, spread on a roll, bagel, or the like. 2. a number of related things, ideas, etc., resulting in a unified appearance, attitude, plan, or the like (usually used in the phrase the whole schmear). 3.… … Universalium
schmear — or schmeer [[t]ʃmɪər[/t]] n. v. schmeared or schmeered, schmear•ing or schmeer•ing. Slang. 1) cvb sts a number of related things, matters, etc.: to go through the whole schmear[/ex] 2) cvb sts a bribe 3) cvb sts to bribe • Etymology: 1960–65;… … From formal English to slang
schmear — or schmeer noun Etymology: Yiddish shmir smear Date: 1965 an aggregate of related things < the whole schmear > … New Collegiate Dictionary
schmear — The amount of mayo and or mustard the deli puts on your sandwich If you like mustard be sure to request more than a schmear on your sandwich … Dictionary of american slang
schmear — The amount of mayo and or mustard the deli puts on your sandwich If you like mustard be sure to request more than a schmear on your sandwich … Dictionary of american slang
schmear — [ʃmɪə] (also schmeer) noun N. Amer. informal 1》 an underhand inducement. 2》 a quantity of butter, soft cheese, etc. spread on bread. Phrases the whole schmear everything possible or available. Origin 1960s: from Yiddish shmirn flatter, grease … English new terms dictionary
schmear — /ʃmɪə/ (say shmear) phrase the whole schmear, Colloquial the totality of a scheme, activity, etc. Also, schmeer. {Yiddish schmeer spread (as on sandwiches), from schmirn to spread, grease} …
schmear — noun a) A spread that goes on a bagel b) A batch of things that go together … Wiktionary