- rudiment
- rudiment 1540s, from M.Fr. rudiment (16c.), from L. rudimentum "early training, first experience, beginning, first principle," from rudis "unlearned, untrained" (see RUDE (Cf. rude)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
rudiment — [ rydimɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1495; lat. rudimentum « apprentissage, premier élément » 1 ♦ Plur. Notions élémentaires d une science, d un art. ⇒ abc, b. a. ba, base, élément. Les rudiments de la grammaire, de la mécanique. 2 ♦ (1782) Ébauche (⇒ embryon) ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
rudiment — RUDIMÉNT, rudimente, s.n. 1. (La pl.) Noţiuni elementare ale unei ştiinţe, ale unei arte. 2. Organ care abia începe să se formeze sau care a rămas nedezvoltat; organ rudimentar. Rudiment de coadă. – Din fr. rudiment, lat. rudimentum. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
rudiment — rudìment (rudimȅnt) m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. anat. zakržljao ostatak organa koji je izgubio svoju funkciju 2. pren. razg. ostatak, ono što postoji kao zaostatak [rudiment patrijarhalnih odnosa] ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Rudiment ← lat.… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Rudiment — Ru di*ment, n. [L. rudimentum, fr. rudis unwrought, ignorant, rude: cf. F. rudiment. See {Rude}.] 1. That which is unformed or undeveloped; the principle which lies at the bottom of any development; an unfinished beginning. [1913 Webster] but I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rudiment — Ru di*ment, v. t. To furnish with first principles or rules; to insrtuct in the rudiments. Gayton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rudimént — (lat.), Anfang, erster Versuch; verkümmerte, unausgebildete (rudimentäre) Form eines Organs. Rudimente, Anfangsgründe; verkümmerte Reste alter Lebensformen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
rudiment — index cornerstone, element, embryo, foundation (basis), necessity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
rudìment — (rudimȅnt) m 〈G mn nātā〉 1. {{001f}}anat. zakržljao ostatak organa koji je izgubio svoju funkciju 2. {{001f}}pren. razg. ostatak, ono što postoji kao zaostatak [∼ patrijarhalnih odnosa] ✧ {{001f}}njem. ← lat … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
rudiment — ► NOUN 1) (rudiments) the first principles of a subject. 2) (rudiments) an elementary or primitive form of something. 3) Biology an undeveloped or immature part or organ. ORIGIN Latin rudimentum, from rudis unwrought … English terms dictionary
rudiment — [ro͞o′də mənt] n. [L rudimentum < rudis: see RUDE] 1. a first principle, element, or fundamental, as of a subject to be learned usually used in pl. [the rudiments of physics] 2. a first slight beginning or appearance, or undeveloped form or… … English World dictionary