
{{11}}rough (adj.) O.E. ruh "rough, untrimmed, uncultivated," from W.Gmc. *rukhwaz "shaggy, hairy, rough" (Cf. M.Du. ruuch, Du. ruig, O.H.G. ruher, Ger. rauh), from P.Gmc. *rukhaz. The original -gh- sound was guttural, as in Scottish loch. Sense of "approximate" is first recorded c.1600. Rough draft is from 1690s. Rough-and-ready is from 1810, originally military; rough-and-tumble (1810) is from the prize ring.
{{12}}rough (n.) late 15c., "broken ground," from ROUGH (Cf. rough) (adj.). Specific sense in golf is from 1901. Phrase in the rough first recorded 1823. Meaning "a rowdy" is first attested 1837.
{{12}}rough (v.) late 15c., from ROUGH (Cf. rough) (adj.). Phrase rough it (1768) is originally nautical; to rough (someone) up is from 1868. Related: Roughed; roughing. The U.S. football penalty roughing was originally a term from boxing (1866).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Rough — Rough, a. [Compar. {Rougher}; superl. {Roughest}.] [OE. rou?, rou, row, rugh, ruh, AS. r?h; akin to LG. rug, D. rug, D. ruig, ruw, OHG. r?h, G. rauh, rauch; cf. Lith. raukas wrinkle, rukti to wrinkle. [root] 18. Cf. {Rug}, n.] 1. Having… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rough — [ruf] adj. [ME ruh, rugh < OE ruh, akin to Ger rauh < IE * reuk < base * reu , to tear, tear out (> RUG, ROTTEN): prob. basic sense “hairy, woolly”] 1. a) not smooth or level; having bumps, projections, etc.; uneven [a rough surface]… …   English World dictionary

  • rough — adj 1 Rough, harsh, uneven, rugged, scabrous are comparable when they mean not having a smooth or even surface, exterior, or texture. Rough, the usual and comprehensive word, basically applies to whatever may be said to have a surface or an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • rough — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level. 2) not gentle; violent or boisterous: rough treatment. 3) (of weather or the sea) wild and stormy. 4) lacking sophistication or refinement. 5) not finished tidily; plain… …   English terms dictionary

  • rough — [rʌf] adjective 1. a rough figure or amount is not exact: • It is possible to give here only very rough figures. • I can only give you a rough estimate at this stage. 2. not finished: • a rough draft of the report 3 …   Financial and business terms

  • rough — [ rɶf ] n. m. • 1932; mot angl. « raboteux, grossier » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Golf Partie d un terrain de golf non entretenue. 2 ♦ Ébauche, projet, dans les arts graphiques. Faire des roughs. ● rough nom masculin (anglais rough, terrain accidenté) Terrain …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Rough — Rough, v. t. 1. To render rough; to roughen. [1913 Webster] 2. To break in, as a horse, especially for military purposes. Crabb. [1913 Webster] 3. To cut or make in a hasty, rough manner; with out; as, to rough out a carving, a sketch. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rough — rough, roughen Rough is used as a verb chiefly in the expressions to rough it (= do without basic comforts), to rough out (= to make a sketch of), to rough up (= to attack). Otherwise the verb from rough, meaning ‘to make or become rough’ is… …   Modern English usage

  • Rough — Rough, n. 1. Boisterous weather. [Obs.] Fletcher. [1913 Webster] 2. A rude fellow; a coarse bully; a rowdy. [1913 Webster] {In the rough}, in an unwrought or rude condition; unpolished; as, a diamond or a sketch in the rough. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rough — may refer to:* Roughness * Rough, the area outside the fairway in golf * Rough (manga) * Rough (facility), gas storage in England * Rough (Tina Turner Album) …   Wikipedia

  • rough — [adj1] uneven, irregular asperous, bearded, brambly, bristly, broken, bumpy, bushy, chapped, choppy, coarse, cragged, craggy, cross grained, disheveled, fuzzy, hairy, harsh, jagged, knobby, knotty, nappy, nodular, not smooth, ridged, rocky,… …   New thesaurus

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