- rickshaw
- rickshaw 1887, shortened form of jinrikisha, popularized by Kipling, from Japanese jin "a man" + riki "power" + sha "carriage."
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Rickshaw — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rickshaw japonesa, 1897 El nombre rickshaw proviene del japonés jinrikisha (人力車), donde jin (人) significa persona ; riki(力), fuerza ; y sha (車), carruaje . Jinrikisha quiere decir, carruaje cuya fuerza la constituye… … Wikipedia Español
rickshaw — [ rikʃo ] n. m. • 1898 djin rickshô; mot hindi, par l angl. ricksha, rickshaw ♦ Voiture légère à deux roues, tirée par un homme à pied ou à vélo. ⇒ cyclopousse, pousse pousse. « À Kuala Lumpur, il est difficile de distinguer un multi millionnaire … Encyclopédie Universelle
rickshaw — ► NOUN ▪ a light two wheeled hooded vehicle drawn by one or more people, chiefly used in Asian countries. ORIGIN Japanese, person strength vehicle … English terms dictionary
rickshaw — or ricksha [rik′shô΄] n. JINRIKISHA … English World dictionary
Rickshaw — Rickshaws (or rickshas) are a mode of human powered transport: a runner draws a two wheeled cart which seats one or two persons. The word rickshaw came from Asia where they were mainly used as means of transportation for the social elite. However … Wikipedia
Rickshaw — Rickshaws colorés à Chennai, Inde Un rickshaw, aussi appelé trishaw, est un véhicule tricycle (d où le nom trishaw) à propulsion humaine ou mécanique (autorickshaw), destiné au transport de personnes et de marchandises. Somma … Wikipédia en Français
rickshaw — n. 1) to pedal; pull a rickshaw 2) to ride in a rickshaw * * * pull a rickshaw to pedal to ride in a rickshaw … Combinatory dictionary
rickshaw — [19] Rickshaw is English’s attempt to domesticate Japanese jin riki sha. These small two wheeled man hauled vehicles were introduced in Japan around 1870, and their name, which means literally ‘man strength vehicle’, had made its way into English … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
rickshaw — UK [ˈrɪkˌʃɔː] / US [ˈrɪkˌʃɔ] noun [countable] Word forms rickshaw : singular rickshaw plural rickshaws a small vehicle with two wheels used for carrying passengers and pulled by someone riding a bicycle or walking. It is mainly used in parts of… … English dictionary
rickshaw — {{#}}{{LM R43014}}{{〓}} {{[}}rickshaw{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} (también {{◎}}rick shaw{{ ̄}}) {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Especie de carro arrastrado por una persona a pie o en bicicleta y que sirve para llevar pasajeros: • Monté en un rickshaw cuando estuve en … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos