
redemption (n.) mid-14c., "deliverance from sin," from L. redemptionem (nom. redemptio) "a buying back, releasing, ransoming," noun of action from pp. stem of redimere "to redeem, buy back," from re- "back" (see RE- (Cf. re-)) + emere "to take, buy, gain, procure" (see EXEMPT (Cf. exempt)). The -d- is from the Old Latin habit of using red- as the form of re- before vowels, and this is practically the sole English word in which it survives. Redemptorist is from Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (founded Naples, 1732, by St. Alphonsus Liguori). In the Mercian hymns, L. redemptionem is glossed by O.E. alesnisse.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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