
reaction (n.) 1610s, from RE- (Cf. re-) "again, anew" + ACTION (Cf. action) (q.v.). Modeled on Fr. réaction, older It. reattione, from M.L. reactionem (nom. reactio), from L.L. react-, pp. stem of reagere "react," from re- "back" + agere "to do, act" (see ACT (Cf. act)). Originally scientific; physiological sense is attested from 1805; psychological sense first recorded 1887; general sense of "action or feeling in response" (to a statement, event, etc.) is recorded from 1914. Reaction time, "time elapsing between the action of an external stimulus and the giving of a signal in reply," attested by 1874.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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