- Paraclete
- Paraclete mid-15c., Paraclit, from Fr. paraclet (13c.), from M.L. paracletus, from Gk. parakletos "advocate, intercessor," from parakalein "to call to one's aid," in later use "to comfort, to console."
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Paraclete — • Another name for the Holy Ghost. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Paraclete Paraclete † … Catholic encyclopedia
Paraclete — Par a*clete, n. [L. paracletus, Gr. para klhtos, from parakalei^n to call to one, to exhort, encourage; para beside + kalei^n to call.] An advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the Consoler, Comforter, or Intercessor; a term applied to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paraclete — index advocate (counselor) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
paraclete — [par′ə klēt΄] n. [ME paraclit < OFr paraclet < LL(Ec) paracletus < Gr paraklētos (in N.T., the Holy Spirit) < parakalein, to call, summon (in N.T., to comfort) < para ,PARA 1 + kalein, to call: see CLAMOR] 1. an advocate;… … English World dictionary
Paraclete — For the school of Peter Abelard, see Oratory of the Paraclete. Paraclete comes from the Koine Greek word , , paraclete is used to describe the intercessory role of Jesus Christ. And in John 14:16 Jesus says another paraclete will come to help his … Wikipedia
paraclete — noun /ˈpæɹəkliːt/ an advocate, especially the Holy Spirit , 1963: He passed a block of bright posters. One of them extolled domestic gas: a smiling toy paraclete called Mr Therm presided over a sort of warm Holy Family. Anthony Burgess, Inside Mr … Wiktionary
Paraclete — Another name for the Holy Ghost, signifying one who is invoked to aid or comfort. It was this word our Lord used when He said, I will send you another Comforter, i.e., Paraclete. Elsewhere, the word is also translated Advocate … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Paraclete High School — Infobox Secondary school name = Paraclete High School motto = Come, light of the Heart. established = 1963 type = Private Principal = faculty = 50 students = 876 mascot = The Spirit colors = Scarlet and Gold city = Lancaster state = California… … Wikipedia
Paraclete — noun Etymology: Middle English Paraclyte, from Late Latin Paracletus, Paraclitus, from Greek Paraklētos, literally, advocate, intercessor, from parakalein to invoke, from para + kalein to call more at low Date: 15th century Holy Spirit … New Collegiate Dictionary
paraclete — /par euh kleet /, n. 1. an advocate or intercessor. 2. (cap.) the Holy Spirit; the Comforter. [1400 50; < ML, LL Paracletus < LGk Parákletos comforter, lit., (person) called in (to help), verbid of parakaleîn (equiv. to para PARA 1 + kaleîn to… … Universalium