
predestination (n.) mid-14c., "the action of God in foreordaining certain of mankind through grace to salvation or eternal life," from L.L. praedestinationem (nom. praedestinatio) "a determining beforehand," from pp. stem of praedestinare "appoint or determine beforehand," from L. prae- "before" (see PRE- (Cf. pre-)) + destinare "appoint, determine" (see DESTINY (Cf. destiny)). First used in theological sense by Augustine, popularized by Calvin.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • predestination — Predestination …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Predestination — Predestination, in theology is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God. John Calvin interpreted biblical predestination to mean that God willed eternal damnation for some people and salvation for others.[1] Explanations of… …   Wikipedia

  • Predestination — • Those divine decrees which have reference to the supernatural end of rational beings, especially of man Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Predestination     Predestination …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • PRÉDESTINATION — La prédestination est la doctrine biblique et théologique selon laquelle Dieu choisit d’aimer l’homme, de l’appeler avant son savoir, de le sauver avant ses mérites, de le maintenir dans la fidélité de cet appel et de ce salut avant le terme de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Predestination — Prédestination La prédestination est un concept théologique selon lequel Dieu, aurait choisi de toute éternité, et secrètement, ceux qui seront graciés et auront droit à la vie éternelle. L idée de prédestination est étroitement associée aux… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • predestination —    Predestination is the belief that God has chosen or elected some for the gift of salvation, sometimes extended to include the idea that God chooses the rest of humankind for damnation. The most relevant biblical quote on the subject is Romans… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • predestination —    Predestination is God s determining (either timelessly or in ages past) to send some people to Heaven (election) and (in double predestination) some people to Hell (reprobation). The principal philosophical question concerning predestination… …   Christian Philosophy

  • predestination — Predestination. s. f. Decret de Dieu par lequel il predestine à la gloire éternelle. Les meschants taschent de s excuser sur la predestination. c est une marque de predestination que &c. Il se prend aussi pour le decret de la Providence sur… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Predestination — Pre*des ti*na tion, n. [L. praedestinatio: cf. F. pr[ e]destination.] 1. The act of predestinating. [1913 Webster] Predestination had overruled their will. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Theol.) The purpose of Good from eternity respecting all… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • predestination — index predetermination Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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