
preamplifier (n.) 1935, from PRE- (Cf. pre-) + AMPLIFIER (Cf. amplifier). Shortened form pre-amp is attested from 1957.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • preamplifier — [prē am′plə fī΄ər] n. in a radio, phonograph, etc., an auxiliary amplifier for boosting the voltage of a weak signal before it reaches the input of the main amplifier …   English World dictionary

  • Preamplifier — Preamp redirects here. For the device used in professional audio, see Microphone preamplifier. An example of a typical high end stereo preamplifier. A preamplifier (preamp) is an electronic amplifier that prepares a small electrical signal for… …   Wikipedia

  • preamplifier — priešstiprintuvis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. booster amplifier; preamplifier vok. Vorverstärker, m rus. предусилитель, m pranc. préamplificateur, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • preamplifier — priešstiprintuvis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. head amplifier; preamplifier vok. Vorverstärker, m rus. предварительный усилитель, m; предусилитель, m pranc. préamplificateur, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • preamplifier — noun Date: 1935 an amplifier designed to amplify extremely weak electrical signals before they are fed to additional amplifier circuits …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • preamplifier — /pree am pleuh fuy euhr/, n. a device in the amplifier circuit of a radio or phonograph that increases the strength of a weak signal for detection and further amplification. [1930 35; PRE + AMPLIFIER] * * * …   Universalium

  • preamplifier — noun a voltage amplifier for amplifying a low level input signal; its output is the input to a higher level amplifier …   Wiktionary

  • preamplifier — n. device designed to strengthen very weak signals before they pass through the regular amplifier …   English contemporary dictionary

  • preamplifier — noun an electronic device that amplifies a very weak signal and transmits it to a main amplifier …   English new terms dictionary

  • preamplifier — pre·amplifier …   English syllables

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