
plurality late 14c., “state of being plural,” from O.Fr. pluralite (14c.), from L.L. pluralitas, from pluralis (see PLURAL (Cf. plural)). Meaning “fact of there being many, multitude” is from mid-15c. Church sense of “holding of two or more offices concurrently” is from mid-14c. Meaning “greater number, more than half” is from 1570s but is etymologically improper, perhaps modeled on majority. U.S. sense of “excess of votes over rival candidate(s),” especially when none has an absolute majority, is from 1828.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Plurality — Plu*ral i*ty, n.; pl. {pluralities}. [L. pluralitas: cf. F. pluralit[ e].] 1. The state of being plural, or consisting of more than one; a number consisting of two or more of the same kind; as, a plurality of worlds; the plurality of a verb.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plurality — plu·ral·i·ty /plu̇ ra lə tē/ n pl ties: an amount or group (as of votes) that is greater than any other amount or group within a total but that is not more than half; esp: a group of justices on an appeals court who do not form a majority but… …   Law dictionary

  • Plurality — can refer to the following:* Plural, in linguistics * Plurality (voting), a less than the majority number of votes * Plurality voting system, also called first past the post * Plurality (church governance) * Plurality (company), Israeli startup * …   Wikipedia

  • plurality — [ploo ral′ə tē] n. pl. pluralities [ME pluralite < MFr pluralité < LL pluralitas] 1. the condition of being plural or numerous 2. a great number; multitude 3. a) the holding of two or more church benefices at the same time b) any of the… …   English World dictionary

  • plurality — *majority …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • plurality — [n] large part of a group advantage, bulk, greater part, lead, majority, mass, most, multiplicity, nearly all, numerousness, preponderance, profusion, variety; concepts 382,829 Ant. minority …   New thesaurus

  • plurality — ► NOUN (pl. pluralities) 1) the fact or state of being plural. 2) a large number of people or things. 3) US the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority …   English terms dictionary

  • plurality — [[t]plʊəræ̱lɪti[/t]] pluralities 1) QUANT PL If there is a plurality of things, a number of them exist. [FORMAL] Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities, each with its own powers. 2) QUANT PL If a candidate, political party, or… …   English dictionary

  • plurality — plu|ral|i|ty [pluˈrælıti] n plural pluralities 1.) [C usually singular] formal a large number of different things plurality of ▪ the plurality of factors affecting the election 2.) [U and C] especially AmE technical if one person or party… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • plurality — /plursladiy/ The excess of the votes cast for one candidate over those cast for any other. Where there are only two candidates, he who receives the greater number of the votes cast is said to have a majority; when there are more than two… …   Black's law dictionary

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