
{{11}}pit (n.1) "hole," O.E. pytt "water hole, pit," from W.Gmc. *puttjaz "pool, puddle" (Cf. O.E. putti, O.N. pyttr, Du. put, Ger. Pfütze), early borrowing from L. puteus "well, pit, shaft." Meaning "abode of evil spirits, hell" is attested from early 13c. Pit of the stomach (1650s) is from the slight depression there between the ribs.
{{12}}pit (n.2) "hard seed," 1841, from Du. pit "kernel, seed, marrow," from M.Du. pitte, ultimately from W.Gmc. *pithan-, source of PITH (Cf. pith) (q.v.).
{{12}}pit (v.) mid-15c., "to put into a pit," from PIT (Cf. pit) (n.1); especially for purposes of fighting (of cocks, dogs, pugilists) from 1760. Figurative sense of "to set in rivalry: is from 1754. Meaning "to make pits in" is from late 15c. Related: Pitted; pitting. Cf. Pit-bull terrier, first recorded 1945. This also is the notion behind the meaning "the part of a theater on the floor of the house" (1640s).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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