
{{11}}pet (1) "tamed animal," originally in Scottish and northern England dialect (and exclusively so until mid-18c.), of unknown origin. Sense of "indulged child" (c.1500) is recorded slightly earlier than that of "animal kept as a favorite" (1530s), but the latter may be the primary meaning. Probably associated with or influenced by PETTY (Cf. petty). The verb is 1620s meaning "treat as a pet;" the sense of "to stroke" is first found 1818. Slang sense of "kiss and caress" is from 1920 (implied in petting, in F. Scott Fitzgerald). Teacher's pet is attested from 1914.
{{12}}pet (2) "peevishness, offense at feeling slighted," 1580s, in phrase take the pet "take offense." Perhaps from pet (1) on a similar notion to that in Amer.Eng. that gets my goat, but the underlying notion is obscure, and the form of the original expression makes this doubtful. This word seems to have been originally a southern English term, while pet (1) was northern and Scottish.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • pet — [ pɛ ] n. m. • v. 1260; lat. peditum I ♦ Fam. Gaz intestinal qui s échappe de l anus avec bruit. ⇒ flatuosité, vent; prout. Pet sans bruit. ⇒ vesse. Lâcher, faire un pet. ⇒ péter. Pet foireux, entraînant des excréments. ♢ Loc. fam. Avoir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • pet — pȇt br. DEFINICIJA 1. (glavni) broj koji se obilježava brojkom 5; (redni) peti = 5. 2. razg. posljednji najmanji broj u kombinaciji brojeva u zn. neodređene velike količine, bezbroj puta, usp. sto, tisuću, milijun, milijardu FRAZEOLOGIJA fali ti… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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