
period (n.) early 15c., "course or extent of time," from M.L. periodus "recurring portion, cycle," from L. periodus "a complete sentence," also "cycle of the Greek games," from Gk. periodos "rounded sentence, cycle, circuit, period of time," lit. "going around," from peri- "around" (see PERI- (Cf. peri-)) + hodos "a going, way, journey" (see CEDE (Cf. cede)).
Sense of "repeated cycle of events" led to that of "interval of time." Meaning "dot marking end of a sentence" first recorded c.1600, from similar use in Medieval Latin. Sense of "menstruation" dates from 1822. Educational sense of "portion of time set apart for a lesson" is from 1876. Sporting sense attested from 1898.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • period — pe‧ri‧od [ˈpɪəriəd ǁ ˈpɪr ] noun [countable] a particular length of time: • She has been taken on for a 6 month trial period. acˈcounting ˌperiod ACCOUNTING a period of time to which a particular payment is related for accounting or tax purposes …   Financial and business terms

  • Period — Pe ri*od, n. [L. periodus, Gr. ? a going round, a way round, a circumference, a period of time; ? round, about + ? a way: cf. F. p[ e]riode.] 1. A portion of time as limited and determined by some recurring phenomenon, as by the completion of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • period — [pir′ē əd] n. [ME paryode < MFr periode < L periodus < Gr periodos, a going around, cycle < peri , around + hodos, way < IE base * sed , to go > Sans ā sad , go toward] 1. the interval between recurrent astronomical events, as… …   English World dictionary

  • Period — or periodic may refer to:Language and literature* Full stop, a punctuation mark indicating the end of a sentence or phrase * Periodic sentence, a sentence that is not grammatically complete until its end * The final book in Dennis Cooper s George …   Wikipedia

  • Period — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Period» Sencillo de Haruka Ayase Publicación 24 de marzo de 2006 Formato Maxi single …   Wikipedia Español

  • period — period, epoch, era, age, aeon all denote a portion or division of time; epoch and era can also denote an event regarded as the beginning of a portion or division of time. Period is the generic term, designating an extent of time of any length for …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • period — PERIÓD s.n. v. perioadă. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 13.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  PERIÓD s. v. menstruaţie. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime  periód (fiziol.) s. n. (sil. ri od) Trimis de siveco, 10 …   Dicționar Român

  • period — perìod m DEFINICIJA 1. odsječak vremena [period srednjega vijeka]; doba, razdoblje 2. faza u razvoju, razdoblje koje je po čemu karakteristično [period nasilja] 3. fiz. (simbol T) vrijeme potrebno nekom oscilirajućem sustavu da izvrši jedan puni… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Period — Pe ri*od, v. i. To come to a period; to conclude. [Obs.] You may period upon this, that, etc. Felthman. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • period — I noun age, bout, continuance, course, diuturnity, duration, eon, epoch, era, hitch, interval, juncture, length of time, limited time, point, season, shift, span, spell, stage, stint, stretch, tenure, term, time, time interval, time stretch, tour …   Law dictionary

  • period — ► NOUN 1) a length or portion of time. 2) a distinct portion of time with particular characteristics. 3) a major division of geological time, forming part of an era. 4) a lesson in a school. 5) (also menstrual period) a monthly flow of blood and… …   English terms dictionary

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