
patricide (n.) 1. "person who kills his father" (1590s), 2. "act of killing one's father" (1620s), from M.Fr. patricide in both senses, from 1. L. patricida, 2. L. patricidium, from pater "father" + 1. cida "killer," 2. cidium "killing" (see -CIDE (Cf. -cide)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Patricide — is (i) the act of killing one s father, or (ii) a person who kills his or her father. The word patricide derives from the Latin word pater (father) and the Latin suffix cida (cutter or killer). Patricide is a sub form of parricide, which is… …   Wikipedia

  • patricide — pat·ri·cide / pa trə ˌsīd/ n [Latin patricida, from patr pater father + cida killer] 1: an individual who murders his or her father 2: the murder of an individual s own father Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Patricide — Pat*ri cide, n. [L. pater father + caedere to kill. Cf. {Parricide}.] 1. The murderer of his father. [1913 Webster] 2. The crime of one who murders his father. Same as {Parricide}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • patricide — ► NOUN 1) the killing of one s father. 2) a person who kills their father. ORIGIN Latin patricidium, alteration of parricidium parricide …   English terms dictionary

  • patricide — [pa′trə sīd΄, pā′trə sīd΄] n. [ML patricida: see PATRI & CIDE] 1. the act of murdering one s father 2. a person who does this patricidal adj …   English World dictionary

  • patricide — parricide, patricide Both words come from the Latin word pater meaning ‘father’, but in current use parricide is the killing of a parent or other near relative whereas patricide is more specifically the killing of one s father. They are used to… …   Modern English usage

  • patricide — See patricide, parricide, matricide …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • patricide, parricide, matricide — The Latin element cide means killer (as in regicide, the killing of a king; genocide, the planned annihilation of a cultural, political, or racial group; and insecticide, an agent used to kill insects). Patricide means one who murders his father… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • patricide — noun Date: 1593 1. [Latin patricida, from patr + cida cide] one who murders his or her own father 2. [Late Latin patricidium, from Latin patr + cidium cide] the murder of one s own father • patricidal adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • patricide — patricidal, adj. /pa treuh suyd , pay /, n. 1. the act of killing one s own father. 2. a person who commits such an act. [1585 95; PATRI + CIDE] * * * …   Universalium

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