
parricide (n.) 1. "person who kills a parent or near relative" (1550s), also 2. "act of killing parent or near relative" (1560s), both from M.Fr. parricide, from 1. L. parricida, 2. L. parricidium, probably from parus "relative" (of unknown origin) + 1. cida "killer," 2. cidium "killing," both from caedere (see -CIDE (Cf. -cide)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • parricide — 1. (pa ri si d ) s. m. et f. 1°   Celui, celle qui tue son père ou sa mère, son aïeul ou son aïeule, ou quelque autre de ses ascendants. •   Ô partage inégal de ce courroux céleste ! Je suis le parricide...., CORN. Oedipe, IV, 5. 2°   Par… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Parricide — (Latin parricida , killer of a close relative) stemming from (Latin parri , alike or equal, and cida , cide, or killer) is defined as: #the act of murdering one s father (patricide), mother (matricide), or other close relative #the act of… …   Wikipedia

  • parricide — Parricide. s. m. Celuy qui tuë son pere. Il se dit aussi par extension de celuy qui tuë sa mere, son frere, sa soeur, ses enfants &c. On ne peut trop punir les parricides. Il signifie aussi Le crime que commet celuy qui tuë son pere. Parricide… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • parricide — par·ri·cide / par ə ˌsīd/ n [Latin parricida killer of a close relative] 1: a person who murders his or her mother or father or sometimes a close relative 2: the act of a parricide Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • parricide — parricide, patricide Both words come from the Latin word pater meaning ‘father’, but in current use parricide is the killing of a parent or other near relative whereas patricide is more specifically the killing of one s father. They are used to… …   Modern English usage

  • parricide — ► NOUN 1) the killing of a parent or other near relative. 2) a person who commits parricide. DERIVATIVES parricidal adjective. ORIGIN Latin parricidium, with unknown first element associated with Latin pater father and parens parent …   English terms dictionary

  • Parricide — Par ri*cide, n. [F., fr. L. parricida; pater father + caedere to kill. See {Father}, {Homicide}, and cf. {Patricide}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Properly, one who murders one s own father; in a wider sense, one who murders one s father or mother or any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parricide — Parricide, Parricidium …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • parricide — [par′ə sīd΄] n. [Fr < L parricida, earlier paricida < IE base * pāsos, a relative (> Gr pēos, one related by marriage) + L cida, CIDE] 1. the act of murdering one s parent, someone having a similar relationship, or a close relative 2. [L …   English World dictionary

  • parricide — 1. parricide [ parisid ] n. • 1190; lat. par(r)icida ♦ Personne qui a commis un parricide (2.). Condamnation d une parricide. ♢ Adj. Fils parricide. Attentat, complot parricide. parricide 2. parricide [ parisid ] n. m. • 1372; lat. parricidium 1… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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