- Mylar
- Mylar proper name for a polyester film, 1954, trademarked by E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. Like many Du Pont names, it doesn't mean anything, they just liked the sound.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Mylar — ist ein Markenname des Unternehmens DuPont für eine Polyethylenterephthalat Polyesterfolie (BOPET: biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate). Mylar zeichnet sich vor allem durch hohe Zugfestigkeit, chemische, mechanische und thermische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
MYLAR — Nom de marque d’une matière plastique dérivée du xylène et utilisée principalement en film. Le film de Mylar est un diélectrique que l’on emploie dans certains condensateurs et transformateurs, ainsi que dans les microphones. En ruban fin, le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mylar — ☆ Mylar [mī′lär΄ ] trademark for a polyester made in extremely thin sheets of great tensile strength and used for recording tapes, insulating film, fabrics, etc. n. [occas.m ] this substance … English World dictionary
Mylar® — /mīˈlär/ noun A strong plastic film, used in making audio tapes, packaging, etc … Useful english dictionary
Mylar — Polyéthylène téréphtalate Polyéthylène téréphtalate Polyéthylène téréphtalate : [O (CH2)2 O CO pPh CO]n. Général Synonymes PET … Wikipédia en Français
Mylar — An acronym for MY Lazy Ass Roommate, used to describe a particularly sloth like roommate. Mylar watched TV all evening, and didn t bother to do any of her dishes which are piling up in the sink … Dictionary of american slang
Mylar — An acronym for MY Lazy Ass Roommate, used to describe a particularly sloth like roommate. Mylar watched TV all evening, and didn t bother to do any of her dishes which are piling up in the sink … Dictionary of american slang
Mylar — trademark used for a polyester film … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mylar® — m Marca registrada de un tipo de poliйster que se emplea en fotografнa, cintas de grabaciуn y aislamiento elйctrico … Diccionario de Construcción y Arquitectur
Mylar — /muy lahr/, Trademark. a brand of strong, thin polyester film used in photography, recording tapes, and insulation. * * * (trademark), a versatile plastic film composed of the polyester (q.v.) polyethylene terephthalate. * * * … Universalium