- optative
- optative grammatical mood expressing wish or desire, 1520s, from M.Fr. optatif (15c.), from L.L. optativus, from L. optatus, pp. of optare (see OPTION (Cf. option)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Optative — Op ta*tive, n. [Cf. F. optatif.] 1. Something to be desired. [R.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Gram.) The optative mood; also, a verb in the optative mood. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Optative — Op ta*tive, a. [L. optativus: cf. F. optatif.] Expressing desire or wish. Fuller. [1913 Webster] {Optative mood} (Gram.), that mood or form of a verb, as in Greek, Sanskrit, etc., in which a wish or desire is expressed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
optative — [äp′tə tiv] adj. [Fr optatif < LL optativus < pp. of L optare: see OPTION] 1. expressing wish or desire 2. designating or of the grammatical mood, as in Greek, which expresses wish or desire n. 1. the optative mood 2. a verb in this mood… … English World dictionary
optative — index solicitous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
optative — 1. adjective a) expressing a wish or a choice. b) related or pertaining to the optative mood. 2. noun a) a mood of verbs found in some languages (e.g. Old Prussian, Latin), used to express a w … Wiktionary
optative — optatively, adv. /op teuh tiv/, Gram. adj. 1. designating or pertaining to a verb mood, as in Greek, that has among its functions the expression of a wish, as Greek íoimen may we go, we wish we might go. n. 2. the optative mood. 3. a verb in the… … Universalium
optative — op•ta•tive [[t]ˈɒp tə tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) gram. of or pertaining to a verb mood, as in Greek, used to express a wish or desire 2) gram. the optative mood 3) gram. a verb in the optative mood • Etymology: 1520–30; < LL optātīvus= L optāt(us) (ptp … From formal English to slang
optative — adj. & n. Gram. adj. expressing a wish. n. the optative mood. Phrases and idioms: optative mood a set of verb forms expressing a wish etc., distinct esp. in Sanskrit and Greek. Derivatives: optatively adv. Etymology: F optatif ive f. LL optativus … Useful english dictionary
optative — adjective Date: 15th century 1. a. of, relating to, or constituting a verbal mood that is expressive of wish or desire b. of, relating to, or constituting a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope 2. expressing desire or wish • optative noun… … New Collegiate Dictionary
optative — ● optatif, optative adjectif (bas latin optativus, du latin classique optare, souhaiter) Se dit d une forme linguistique qui exprime le souhait … Encyclopédie Universelle