
nostalgia (n.) 1770, "severe homesickness" (considered as a disease), Modern Latin (Cf. Fr. nostalgie, 1802), coined 1668 by Johannes Hofer, as a rendering of Ger. heimweh, from Gk. algos "pain, grief, distress" (see -ALGIA (Cf. -algia)) + nostos "homecoming," from PIE *nes- "to return safely home" (Cf. O.N. nest "food for a journey," Skt. nasate "approaches, joins," Ger. genesen "to recover," Goth. ganisan "to heal," O.E. genesen "to recover"). Transferred sense (the main modern one) of "wistful yearning for the past" first recorded 1920.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • nostalgia — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż IIb, blm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} tęsknota za czymś utraconym (zwykle za ojczyzną); dotkliwe odczuwanie braku czegoś : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Komuś dokucza nostalgia. Prawie wszyscy emigranci cierpią na nostalgię. Z nostalgią… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • nostalgia — os*tal gi*a, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a return home + ? pain.] 1. (Med.) Homesickness; esp., a severe and sometimes fatal form of melancholia, due to homesickness. [1913 Webster] 2. A sentimental yearning to return to an earlier time remembered as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • NOSTALGIA — (от греч. nostor возвращение на родину и algos боль), ностальгия, тоска по родине. Проявляющееся у многих людей в первые моменты жизни в новой непривычной обстановке, на новом месте, среди чужих, это чувство у примитивных или психически… …   Большая медицинская энциклопедия

  • nostalgia — s. f. 1. Tristeza profunda causada por saudades do afastamento da pátria ou da terra natal. 2. Estado melancólico causado pela falta de algo.   ‣ Etimologia: francês nostalgie …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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