
non-profit (adj.) also nonprofit, 1922, from NON- (Cf. non-) + PROFIT (Cf. profit) (n.).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • non-profit — ˌnon ˈprofit also ˌnon ˈprofit ˌmaking adjective [only before a noun] FINANCE a non profit organization is one with aims that are not related to business or making a profit. These organizations usually work in education, health etc; = not for… …   Financial and business terms

  • non-profit — adj also .non profitmaking BrE a non profit organization uses the money it earns to help people instead of making a profit ▪ a non profit educational institution …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • non-profit — UK / US or non profit making UK / US adjective * a non profit organization works to help people in some way rather than to make a profit …   English dictionary

  • non-profit — non pro·fit agg.inv., s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS econ. agg.inv., di organizzazione o ente, che opera senza scopo di lucro, spec. nei settori dell assistenza, della sanità, dell educazione e della cultura, il cui statuto prevede che gli… …   Dizionario italiano

  • non-profit — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not making or intended to make a profit …   English terms dictionary

  • Non-profit — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Als Non Profit Organisation (NPO) bezeichnet man jene… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • non-profit — /nɒn ˈprɒfət/ (say non profuht) adjective 1. Also, non profit making, not for profit. formed for the purpose of providing goods or services, but not for the purpose of making profit: a non profit organisation; non profit sector. 2. of or relating …  

  • non-profit — 1. adjective not seeking to produce a profit Syn: not for profit, non profit making 2. noun A non profit organization. Employees of a non profit rarely make as much as greedy counterparts in the commercial world …   Wiktionary

  • non-profit — also nonprofit ADJ: usu ADJ n A non profit organization is one which is not run with the aim of making a profit. Her center is typical of many across the country a non profit organization that cares for about 50 children …   English dictionary

  • ˌnon-ˈprofit — adj a non profit organization works in order to help people in some way, rather than in order to make a profit …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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