
{{11}}nip (n.1) "small measure of spirits," 1796, shortening of nipperkin (1670s) "quantity of liquor of a half pint or less," possibly of Dutch or Low German origin and related to nip (v.). Reinforced by nip (n.2) on notion of "fragment or bit pinched off" (c.1600).
{{12}}nip (n.2) "a pinch; a sharp bite," 1540s, from NIP (Cf. nip) (v.). Meaning "a chill in the weather" is from 1610s, probably so called for its effect on vegetation. Nip and tuck "a close thing" is recorded from 1832, perhaps from sailing or tailoring.
{{12}}nip (v.) "to pinch sharply; to bite suddenly," late 14c., related to M.L.G. nipen "to nip, to pinch," M.Du. nipen "to pinch," Du. nijpen, O.N. hnippa "to prod," but the exact evolution of the stem is obscure. Related: Nipped; nipping. To nip (something) in the bud in the figurative sense is first recorded c.1600.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Nip — may refer to:* Nip is a derogatory word for a Japanese person. It is derived from Nippon , the Japanese term for Japan. Usage in this context probably peaked around the time of World War II. It is seldom used this way today. Heard frequently on… …   Wikipedia

  • Nip — Nip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nipped}, less properly {Nipt}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Nipping}.] [OE. nipen; cf. D. niipen to pinch, also knippen to nip, clip, pinch, snap, knijpen to pinch, LG. knipen, G. kneipen, kneifen, to pinch, cut off, nip, Lith.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nip — Nip, n. 1. A seizing or closing in upon; a pinching; as, in the northern seas, the nip of masses of ice. [1913 Webster] 2. A pinch with the nails or teeth. [1913 Webster] 3. A small cut, or a cutting off the end. [1913 Webster] 4. A blast; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • NIP — NIP, NIPS, or nip may refer to: Neural Information Processing Systems, a computational statistics conference held annually, usually in Canada. Naval Intelligence Professionals, an association of active duty, retired and reserve officers, enlisted …   Wikipedia

  • nip — nip1 [nip] vt. nipped, nipping [ME nippen, prob. < MLowG nippen or ON hnippa < IE * kneib (< base * ken , to scrape) > Gr kniptos, stingy] 1. to catch or squeeze between two surfaces, points, or edges; pinch or bite 2. to sever… …   English World dictionary

  • nip — Ⅰ. nip [1] ► VERB (nipped, nipping) 1) pinch, squeeze, or bite sharply. 2) (of cold or frost) cause pain or harm to. 3) Brit. informal go quickly. ► NOUN 1) …   English terms dictionary

  • nip — [n] swallow, taste bite, catch, dram, drop, finger, jolt, morsel, mouthful, nibble, pinch, portion, shot*, sip, slug*, snifter, soupçon, toothful; concepts 458,831 Ant. mouthful nip [v1] bite; take small part catch, clip, compress, grip, munch,… …   New thesaurus

  • Nip — [nip] n. [< NIP(PONESE)] [also n ] Slang a Japanese: a term of contempt or derision …   English World dictionary

  • nip|py — «NIHP ee», adjective, pi|er, pi|est. 1. biting; sharp: »a nippy wind, nippy cheese. 2. apt to nip: »a nippy dog …   Useful english dictionary

  • Nip — Nip, n. [LG. & D. nippen to sip; akin to Dan. nippe, G. nippen.] A sip or small draught; esp., a draught of intoxicating liquor; a dram. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nip-up — /nip up /, n. a calisthenic routine or gymnastic move of springing to one s feet from a supine position. [1935 40; n. use of v. phrase nip up] * * * …   Universalium

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