neo-conservative — /ˌnioʊ kənˈsɜvətɪv/ (say .neeoh kuhn servuhtiv) adjective 1. espousing what are regarded as more traditional values, sometimes permeated by a religious view, in relation to political agendas that affect social mores. –noun 2. a person espousing… …
Conservative Party (UK) — Conservative Party Conservative and Unionist Party Leader … Wikipedia
neo — neo·abietic; neo·anthropic; neo·an·thro·pi·nae; neo·aplec·ta·na; neo·arsphenamine; neo·balaena; neo·baroque; neo·calamites; neo·ceratodus; neo·cerebellar; neo·cerebellum; neo·classic; neo·classicism; neo·classicist; neo·cortex; neo·cosmic;… … English syllables
Neo-Conservatism — ‘Neo Conservatism’ is a major trend in the spectrum of political thought that emerged in China after 1989. It is a product of the political climate of the 1990s and also a reflection on and reaction to political and cultural radicalism that was… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
neo-con — /ˈnioʊ kɒn/ (say neeoh kon) Politics –adjective 1. neo conservative. –noun 2. a person who adopts new conservative principles …
Conservative Judaism — (also known as Masorti Judaism outside of the United States and Canada) is a modern stream of Judaism that arose out of intellectual currents in Germany in the mid 19th century and took institutional form in the United States in the early 1900s.… … Wikipedia
Neo-Mandaic — Mandāyí, Raṭnā Pronunciation [mændɔːˈji], [rætˤnɔ] Spoken in Iran, Iraq (extinct) Native speakers ca. 500 … Wikipedia
NEO-NAZISM — NEO NAZISM, a general term for the related fascist, nationalist, white supremacist, antisemitic beliefs and political tendencies of the numerous groups that emerged after World War II seeking to restore the Nazi order or to establish a new order… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Neo-völkisch movements — Neo völkisch movements, as defined by the historian Nicholas Goodrick Clarke, cover a wide variety of mutually influencing groups of a radically ethnocentric character which have emerged, especially in the English speaking world, since World War… … Wikipedia
Neo-Nazism in Croatia — Neo Nazism in Croatia, sometimes called Neo Ustashism [IWPR: Dragotin Hedl: [ s=f o=246286 apc state=henibcr1999 Croatia s Willingness To Tolerate Fascist Legacy Worries Many] ] , is a post World War II political… … Wikipedia