
nauseous (adj.) c.1600, "inclined to nausea, easily made queasy" (obsolete), from NAUSEA (Cf. nausea) + -OUS (Cf. -ous). Sense of "causing nausea or squeamishness" is attested from 1610s. For distinction from nauseated see NAUSEATE (Cf. nauseate). Related: Nauseously; nauseousness.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Nauseous — Nau seous (?; 277), a. [L. nauseosus.] 1. Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine. [1913 Webster] 2. Feeling nausea; as, nauseous from the effects of chemotherapy …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nauseous — index loathsome, repulsive, unsavory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • nauseous — [adj] disgusting abhorrent, brackish, detestable, distasteful, ill, loathsome, nauseated, nauseating, offensive, queasy, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rocky*, seasick, sick, sick as dog*, sickening, squeamish; concepts 314,529 Ant. nice,… …   New thesaurus

  • nauseous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) affected with nausea. 2) causing nausea. DERIVATIVES nauseously adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • nauseous — [nô′shəs, nô′zē əs, nô′sēəs] adj. [L nauseosus] 1. causing nausea; specif., a) sickening b) disgusting 2. feeling nausea; nauseated: usage objected to by some nauseously adv. nauseousness n …   English World dictionary

  • nauseous — nauseated, nauseating, nauseous 1. In Britain nauseated and nauseating (as parts of the verb nauseate) occasionally mean respectively ‘affected by nausea’ and ‘causing nausea’ in the physical sense but more often mean ‘disgusted’ and (especially) …   Modern English usage

  • nauseous — nauseously, adv. nauseousness, n. /naw sheuhs, zee euhs/, adj. 1. affected with nausea; nauseated: to feel nauseous. 2. causing nausea; sickening; nauseating. 3. disgusting; loathsome: a nauseous display of greed. [1595 1605; < L nauseosus. See… …   Universalium

  • nauseous — nau•seous [[t]ˈnɔ ʃəs, zi əs[/t]] adj. 1) pat affected with nausea; nauseated 2) pat causing nausea; sickening; nauseating 3) disgusting; loathsome • Etymology: 1595–1605; < L nauseōsus. See nausea, ous nau′seous•ly, adv. nau′seous•ness, n.… …   From formal English to slang

  • nauseous — adjective Date: 1612 1. causing nausea or disgust ; nauseating 2. affected with nausea or disgust • nauseously adverb • nauseousness noun Usage: Those who insist that nauseous can properly be used only in sense 1 and that in sense 2 it is an… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nauseous — adj. to feel nauseous USAGE NOTE: Some purists still claim that nauseous means only nauseating . In fact, most speakers now use it as a synonym of nauseated. * * * [ nɔːzɪəs] to feel nauseous (USAGE NOTE: Some purists still claim that nauseous… …   Combinatory dictionary

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