
morgue (n.) "mortuary," 1821, from Fr. Morgue, originally a specific building in Paris where bodies were exposed for identification:
There is, in the most populous part of the French metropolis, an establishment entitled La Morgue, destined for the reception and exposition of bodies drowned in the Seine, and caught in nets, which are placed in different parts of the river for that purpose. The object of this exposition is, that the deceased may be recognised by their friends or relatives, and receive the rights of sepulture accordingly. The Morgue is open at all hours of the day, to passengers of every description, and often displays at a time, five or six horrible carcasses stretched, without covering, on an inclined platform, and subjected to the promiscuous gaze of the mob. ["American Review," January 1811]
Before that it was the place where new prisoners were displayed to keepers to establish their identification. Thus the name is believed to be probably from Fr. morgue "haughtiness," originally "a sad expression, solemn look," from O.Fr. morguer "look solemnly," from V.L. *murricare "to make a face, pout," from *murrum "muzzle, snout." The 1768 Dictionnaire Royal François-Anglois Et Anglois-François defines Fr. morgue both as "A proud, big, haughty or stately look, stare, surliness, or surly look" and "A little gratel room wherein a new prisoner is set, and must continue some hours, that the Jailer's ordinary servants may the better take notice of his face."
Adopted as a general term in U.S., 1880s, replacing earlier dead house, etc. In newspaper slang, "collection of pre-written obituary material of living persons" (1903), hence "library of clips, photos, etc.," 1918.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • morgue — 1. (mor gh ) s. f. 1°   Contenance sérieuse et fière. •   Morgue de magistrat rébarbatif, sévère, Qui ne dément jamais son grave caractère, DUFRÉNY Mar. fait et rompu, I, 2. 2°   Orgueil et suffisance. •   T ai je tracé la vieille à morgue… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • morgue — [mo:g US mo:rg] n [Date: 1800 1900; : French; Origin: Morgue, name of a morgue in Paris] 1.) a building or room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept until they are buried or ↑cremated = ↑mortuary 2.) a place that has become very… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Morgue — Morgue, n. [F.] 1. A place where the bodies of dead persons are kept, until they are identified, or claimed by their friends; a deadhouse. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. (Newspapers) A room containing reference files of older material in a newspaper… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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