
Abigail fem. proper name, in Old Testament, Abigail the Carmelitess, a wife of David, from Hebrew Abhigayil, lit. "my father is rejoicing," from abh "father" + gil "to rejoice." Used in general sense of "lady's maid" (1660s) from character of that name in Beaumont & Fletcher's "The Scornful Lady." The waiting maid association perhaps begins with I Sam. xxv, where David's wife often calls herself a "handmaid." Her male counterpart was Andrew.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Abigail — ist ein weiblicher Vorname hebräischen Ursprungs. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung 2 Verbreitung 3 Varianten 4 Bekannte Namensträgerinnen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • abigail — ab i*gail, n. [The proper name used as an appellative.] A lady s waiting maid. Pepys. [1913 Webster] Her abigail reported that Mrs. Gutheridge had a set of night curls for sleeping in. Leslie. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Abigail — f Biblical: name (meaning ‘father of exaltation’ in Hebrew) borne by one of King David s wives, who had earlier been married to Nabal (I Samuel 25: 3), and by the mother of Absalom s captain Amasa (2 Samuel 1: 25). The name was popular in the… …   First names dictionary

  • ABIGAIL — Latine pater exsultationis, vel patris exsultatio, nomen uxoris Nabal. 1 Sam. c. 25. v. 3. uxor David, mortuô maritô. ESt et filia Naas, soror Zerviae, mater Ioab. 1 Chron. c. 2. v. 16. 2 Sam. c. 17. v. 25. B. Ambrosius Ep. 13. paternae gratiae… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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