
{{11}}monger (n.) O.E. mangere "merchant, trader, broker," from mangian "to traffic, trade," from P.Gmc. *mangojan (Cf. O.S. mangon, O.N. mangri), from L. mango (gen. mangonis) "dealer, trader, slave-dealer," from a noun derivative of Gk. manganon "contrivance, means of enchantment," from PIE root *mang- "to embellish, dress, trim." Used in comb. form in English since at least 12c.; since 16c. chiefly with overtones of petty and disreputable.
{{12}}monger (v.) 1928, from MONGER (Cf. monger) (v.). Not considered to be from O.E. mangian. Related: Mongered; mongering (1846).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Monger — Mon ger, n. [AS. mangere, fr. mangian to trade; akin to Icel. manga to trade, mangari a trader, OHG. mangari, mengari; cf. L. mango a dealer in slaves.] 1. A trader; a dealer; now used chiefly in composition; as, fishmonger, ironmonger,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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