
megabyte (n.) 1972, from MEGA- (Cf. mega-) + BYTE (Cf. byte).
The Sussex team has run the Forrester/Meadows models more than 1000 times on the UK's most powerful computer (the giant two-megabyte IBM 370/165 at Harwell). ["New Scientist," May 4, 1972]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • megabyte — meg‧a‧byte [ˈmegəbaɪt] written abbreviation MB noun [countable] COMPUTING a million byte S (= units of computer information, each holding one number or letter), used to talk about the amount of processing space on a computer: • a …   Financial and business terms

  • megabyte — |mègabaite| s. m. [Informática] Unidade de medida de informação, equivalente a 1024 quilobytes (símbolo: MB).   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • megabyte — ► NOUN Computing ▪ a unit of information equal to one million or (strictly) 1,048,576 bytes …   English terms dictionary

  • megabyte — [meg′əbīt΄] n. [ MEGA + BYTE] 1. a unit of storage capacity in a computer system, equal to 1,048,576 (220) bytes 2. loosely one million bytes: Abbrev. MB or mb …   English World dictionary

  • Megabyte — This article is about the unit of data. For the ReBoot character, see Megabyte (ReBoot). The megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information storage or transmission with two different values depending on context: 1048576 bytes… …   Wikipedia

  • Megabyte — Unidades básicas de información (en bytes) Prefijos del Sistema Internacional Prefijo binario Múltiplo (Símbolo) Estándar SI Binario Múltiplo (Símbolo) Valor kilobyte (kB) 103 210 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Megabyte — Einheit Norm IEC 60027 2 Einheitenname Byte, Oktett Einheitenzeichen B Beschriebene Größe(n) Daten In SI Einheiten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Megabyte — ► sustantivo masculino INFORMÁTICA Unidad de medida de una memoria, un disco o un fichero que equivale a 1024 kilobytes. * * * megabyte (ingl.; pronunc. [megabáit]) m. Inform. Unidad que equivale aproximadamente a un millón de bytes. Abrev.: «Mb» …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Megabyte — Me|ga|byte [ me:gabai̮t], das; [s], [s]: aus 1 048 576 Byte bestehende Einheit, die die Größe eines Speichers im Computer kennzeichnet: ein Computer mit 4 000 Megabyte Arbeitsspeicher. * * * Me|ga|byte 〈[ baıt] n.; od. s, od. s; 〉 1 048 576 Byte… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • megabyte — UK [ˈmeɡəˌbaɪt] / US noun [countable] Word forms megabyte : singular megabyte plural megabytes computing a unit for measuring the size of a computer s memory, equal to just over one million bytes. This is usually written Mb …   English dictionary

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